District Three Male: Fidelis Teague [3]

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Author: jujukingofearth

Name: Fidelis Teague

Age: 26

Sex: Male

District: Three

Physical Description:  Fidelis stands at five feet, eleven inches tall, above average but not  unreasonably so. His hair, neatly trimmed so it is not a nuisance, is  dark brown, and his eyes are a deep blue that a girlfriend once  described as cerulean. One would be hard-pressed to find an aspect of  his thin, clean-shaven face that was unappealing; nonetheless, he seems  utterly unremarkable, with a tendency to fade out of one's memory into  the background. He has a decent amount of muscle, and his fingers are  long and clever; unfortunately, he doubts these will be of any use in  the Games. There are far too many people both stronger and cleverer than  he.

Personality:  Fidelis has a perfectly ordinary intellect- unfortunately, in Three  "perfectly ordinary" translates to "quite slow." He is used to being  overlooked in favor of his more talented friends and siblings. The  oldest of four children, Fidelis feels it is job to protect and guide  his younger siblings in life. Sadly, he also is perfectly aware that  they are better off than he; possessing natural talents for math and  science has earned them well-paying jobs in three, while he is relegated  to the undesirable assembly jobs of the District. Due to this, he has  become used to being unnoticed, unremarkable. As far as he can tell,  it's where he belongs.

Background:  Fidelis was born to a middle-class family in District Three. He grew up  to two brilliant parents who showered upon him and his siblings all the  thoughtful discourse, help with homework, and intellectual stimulation  they could possibly desire. Unfortunately, it didn't stick with Fidelis.  He struggled with math, science, and computers in Three's schools,  unable to compete with the sudden inspiration and constant insight of  his siblings. After barely graduating, he took a job in a factory  building computer processors on an assembly line. He has recently moved  out of his parents' house.

Septimus Teague (father)
Sabrina Teague (mother)
Fortuna Teague (sister)
Valerius Teague (brother)
Vita Teague (sister)

Reaped/Volunteered: Volunteered

Reason: His  father, Septimus, was Reaped. Fidelis decided to save his beloved  father, someone he saw as useful and worthwhile. Septimus was beloved by  everyone in the community and was doing meaningful work that would be  missed. Unlike Fidelis.

Strengths:  Fidelis has a practical understanding of many electronic devices, having  assembled them for his job. He is more physically fit and toned than  many in Three, as he lacks the habit of staying closed up to study,  although not to the degree of a Career. Finally, he is almost  unnaturally patient- a trait that has served him well in a house of mad  scientists.

Weaknesses:  Fidelis does not trust his intelligence, as it has not served him well  in the past. He lacks any combat training whatsoever, leaving him  vulnerable to physical conflict. He also has a crippling fear of  heights.

Weapon: A staff. He doesn't trust his ability to wield a blade without hurting himself.

Token: A necklace with gray rock and small pieces of fire opal as a pendant. It was a gift from his youngest  sister Vita.

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