District Six Male: Ryder Mahkowski

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Name: Ryder Mahkowski

Age: 13

District: Six

Physical Description:  Ryder has a frail and thin frame, to the extent where it looks like a  single gust of wind could blow him clean off his feet. He has a mop of  dark brown hair which is cropped shortish, and large, dull blue eyes. He  seems to be constantly slouching. Ryder doesn't exactly stand out, he  seems to easily fade into the background.

Personality:  Ryder is an introvert and very withdrawn, and to those who don't know  him this may make him seem rude and unapproachable. Ryder also has a  tendency of thinking of some deep, psychological thought, and will focus  and fixate on the smallest things. He seems to either speak in short,  two worded sentences, or goes on and on and on for ages about something.  When things get too much for Ryder he tantrums and throws a fit, and if  he is stressed or scared everything around him seems much, much louder.

He has a few odd  tendencies, such as fidgeting, spinning around in circles, or flapping  his arms slightly in public. He tends to do that when stressed, under  pressure, bored, or when very uncomfortable, but it embarrasses everyone  around him.

Ryder isn't very  observant and doesn't pick up easily on social cues, often not  understanding jokes or not getting the point when someone implies  something. People often have to practically spell out what they mean to  Ryder, otherwise he has a hard time understanding. He often  misunderstands sarcasm. Ryder is very awkward socially, but academically  he excels.

Background: Ryder  has been known as a 'weirdo' for most of his life. He has a younger  sister named Poppy, and two parents. His mother and father are split  after they had an extremely nasty fight (which involved  swearing/threatening/physical violence) whilst Ryder's dad was drunk.  Ryder and his younger sister fled to his friend Daisy's house during the  argument out of fear. His father left the next day. His mother, his  sister and himself live in a smallish house on the outskirts of District  6. Ryder doesn't really have many friends, he only has one, Daisy.  Other than his family and his friend, he isn't close to anyone.


Reaction/Reason:  When Ryder was reaped, all he could do was stand there silently in  shock. Peacekeepers had to bring him up onstage because he wouldn't  move.

Strengths: Ryder  is quite intelligent, despite not being from District 3. He also has an  eye for detail. He is also quite defensive and selfless of those he  cares about. Ryder is also very agile and fast, being able to sprint  faster than most people his age, and due to his smaller size it is  easier for him to fit into tighter spaces. Ryder has good aim as well.

Weaknesses:  Ryder's social skills are defiantly not his greatest asset. He has  trouble making friends, which makes finding allies in the arena all the  more harder. Also he is not very physically strong. In a physical  confrontation, you'd have to be pretty unlucky to lose to him.

Weapon: Ryder  isn't one for violence - seeing blades and sharp objects makes him feel  weird and uncomfortable - but if he were to defend himself he would  probably use a fighting staff and, if he were really stuck in a bad  situation, perhaps a knife.

Token: A silver ring which he has on his right hand.

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