"But it's true. The only time we were able to stop ourselves from doing this was when we broke off all contact."

"So then what do you want to do? Cut ties from each other again?" Now he is starting to get mad. I can hear it in his tone. 

I let out a sigh. "No, of course I don't want that. But you and I, it is impossible for us to just be friends."

Harry puts his hands over his face and groans in annoyance. "Fuck."

I look around at the room that was once spotless and now it has our clothes on the floor in almost every corner. "Do you still have my clothes here? The ones that I left."

"Yeah, they're in the third drawer."

"You moved them into the third drawer? I told you that you could just donate them to charity."

"I love charity, you know I do. But I couldn't do it. I selfishly thought that I needed those clothes more."

He is being cute and serious so I shouldn't joke about this but I can't help it. "You wanted to start wearing my clothes?"

He pulls out the pillow from under his head and throws it at me. "No you nutter, I kept it to remind me of you. You still have my shirts and a few of my good hoodies so if you're going to make fun of me then I will take those back."

I hand him back his pillow and he places it back beneath him. "No, I'm sorry. I take it back."

Harry smirks. "That's what I thought." Of course. "I'll run the shower for you, it'll make you feel a little bit better. You know where your clothes are." He points to the white cabinet with the drawers.

No, I can't let him do that for me. Running me showers then heating up my towel in the dryer for me so it was warm when I got out of the shower was something he did for me when we were dating. We aren't dating anymore. Do friends run the shower for each other? Maybe, but none of my other friends do that for me.

I swallow hard and it physically hurts me to say this. "It's fine. I'll do it." I stand up and pick up my dress to cover myself.

"Why? I'll do it. And why are you covering yourself like that Hailey? It's not like I didn't see you naked hours ago."

"Because you need to stop doing nice things for me. I know it's apart of your nature to help people but it isn't helping the situation." I step past him and walk into the bathroom. "And we aren't together anymore so we shouldn't have done what we did and in order to ensure it doesn't happen again, I need to not be naked around you."

"Oh come on Hailey, you can't be serious? What came over you just now?"

"Reality Harry. That's what came over me." I try to shut the door but he stops it with his foot. I remain on the other side of the door and I turn so that my back is facing him. "What?"

"So you regret last night?"


"It was a mistake and you know it."

"A mistake" he snickers. "Alright then, whatever."

"Harry, we can't keep doing this. If we got back together, next week I have to be in Hong Kong for five days then when I get back you will be in the UK. We will be doing the long distance thing all over again which caused us nothing but pain."

The next time we would see each other is most likely a whole month away for Niall's birthday. And that is only for one night. They will have to go back on tour immediately after the celebrations end. 

"I know Hailey. Our careers aren't allowing us to date. I get that. Seeing each other two or three days every few weeks or months isn't what outlines a healthy relationship. But don't say last night was a mistake when you and I both know that isn't true."

"Okay, I lied. It wasn't a mistake. But it one hundred percent cannot happen again."

Harry lets out a huff filled with anger. "So that's it? You want us to cut ties once again?"

I look down at the tiles because I cannot look at the pain in his eyes any longer.

"Use your words Hailey, don't just look away from me."

I look back up at him. "Of course I don't want that."

Harry's phone rings and he ignores it.

"You should get that." I point to his phone.

"You're just looking for a way out of this."

"No I'm not. That will get us nowhere." The phone stops ringing but then it starts again. "Harry just answer the phone."

"Don't talk to me like that. If I don't want to answer my phone I won't fucking answer it. We are in the middle of speaking."

This is something we've argued about in the past. Most of the time when Harry receives calls on his work phone he has to go for a meeting, spontaneously fly to another country or anything that involves him leaving. Occasionally I've had to do that too but Harry is a lot busier than me so it more often happens to him.

"What's that look for Hailey?"


"Oh come on just tell me."

"Fine, you want to know what that look was for? It's because I was thinking to myself that this isn't the first time your phone has rung during an important conversation. Your phone rings, you answer it and then you leave me because you have to go somewhere. So who's to say that isn't going to happen right now."

"And for that reason I didn't answer the phone."

The phone rings again.

"Do you want me to answer it?"

"You just told me not to tell you what to do and now you're asking me."

He rolls his eyes, turns around and answers the phone. "Hello" he says as he places his phone to his ear. "Zayn, are you alright?" Harry looks at me with a concerned look on his face. I begin to worry. I hope Zayn isn't in any trouble. "Yeah, she's right here. I will put her on."

Harry holds out the phone to me. "He wants to speak to you."

A/N : What does Zayn want to speak to Hailey about? 

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