Breakup, Friendly Date, Missing Him

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Toy Freddy's POV

"Sorry Fred, but long distance relationship won't work out.I'm sorry."

I can't believe this.

"B-but Summer-"

"We're done."And with that, she ended the call.

I dropped my phone and messed with my hair and sighed.Walking back to my king-sized bed and turned on the TV,

"You're done with the dating game Fred."I muttered to myself while flipping on the channels.

"Heh, at least you made a girl happy."I chuckled a bit and decided to watch one of my favorite shows, American Horror Story.

I grabbed a gatorade from the fridge and drank it, feeling relaxed after the call.

I need to call someone.Someone close to me, like a brother!

I grabbed my laptop which was carelessly lying on the floor and decided to facetime my bro.

It's been a while since I heard him.

Toy Bonnie's POV

I was currently fixing myself, putting gel on my hair with my tongue sticked out.My laptop suddenly rang,

Who the heck is that,

I jumped on my couch and placed the laptop on my lap and checked the person who was calling-no, facetiming me.

To my surprise, It was Toy Freddy.

Man, It's been a while...

I answered the call and lifted up a smile.

"Hey man!"He smiled.

"Hey Fred, what's up?"I asked, leaning back.

"Oh, y'know.Me and Summer broke up."

"WHAT?!"I practically yelled.

"Yeah..."He said with a 'I-am-still-trying-to-move-on-though' smile.

"And you sound sooo normal..."I muttered while shaking my head.

"It's just a breakup!"He said while raising his hands with a shrug.

"Damn,"I shook my head.

"What's with the costume?"He suddenly asked.

"Hm?"I asked and looked at the tux-shirt I was wearing.

"Oh yeah, I'm going out on a friendly date with Angel."I said cheekily while rubbing the back of my neck.


"I'm going on a date."I repeated again.



"With Angel?"

"That's right."I nodded.

"....A date?"He repeated again.

"What's wrong with that?"I asked.

"A DATE!?With a girl I haven't met?Dude!Toy Chica is gonna be pissed once she knows about this!"Toy Freddy rambled.

"Shut up Fred!It's just a friendly date.No biggie!"

"Oh, It's a big, BIG BIGGIE!If Toy Chi hears a word about you, date, another girl.She'll blow hotter than a volcano!"

"Fred, it's a friendly date.Just please don't tell her though."I said.

"Fine.Just because I ship both of you.But you better call Toy Chi."He said with a sigh.

"Alright!"I said and looked at the time.
"Gotta go Fred, I have to pick up Angel."

"Okay.Bye bro!"He smiled and we ended the call.

I shut off the laptop and sighed, looking at myself at the mirror.

"Time to show your dating skills."

Toy Chica's POV

I sighed as I stared at Toy Bonnie and I's picture on my lockscreen.

"Damn it Toy Bonnie, I miss you so much."I whined as I rolled myself on the bed and sighed while shutting my phone off.

"I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me, I still feel your touch in my dreams..."I sang and stood up from the bed.

"Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why.Without you it's hard to survive!"I went out the door and ran to the stairs which can lead me to the rooftop.

"Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.Can't you hear my heart beat fast, I want us to last."I sang and sat down the ground looking at New York City.

"Need you by my side..."I softly sang and pulled my knees closer to my chest and hugged it.

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