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"Holy-MANGLE!"Toy Chica yelled and fell of the couch.

"THE HECK!?WHAT!?"Mangle shrieked and walked out the bedroom to check on her.

"Explain to me,!?"Toy Chica growled, shoving her phone to Mangle.

Mangle squinted her eyes at the photo to see a post on Social Media.

"Oh no.Oh nonononono!"Mangle's eyes widened as she shook her head and glanced at Toy Chica who was crossing her arms while shaking her head.

"Paparazzi..."Mangle groaned.

"That is not an excuse!Why didn't you tell me?"Toy Chica asked.


"THAT MY SHIP IS BACK!YES!!!"Toy Chica squealed and jumped up and down like a maniac.

"Oh my god.Toy Chi, I don't like him okay?Not anymore."Mangle stated and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Muhuhu...Why?This is a disaster!"Mangle whined in fustrations. 

Toy Chica quietly giggled and covered her lips.
"Well...Just wait and see..."She whispered.

"What?"Mangle asked.


Mangle sat on the couch and stared at her lap while Toy Chica looked at her, hiding a small grin.


"So, what?"Mangle looked at her.

"How do you feel about it?"Toy Chica asked.

Mangle's eyes widened and she slowly leaned back,

"Honestly, I don't know...."Mangle rubbed her arm.

Toy Chica softly giggled and sat closer to her.
"Called it."

"I mean, he acted so...happy, surprised, cocky, and annoying.Isn't he nervous or shy that he saw his ex-girlfriend!?Oh!And guess what?He called me his babe!Like what a jerk.He is still in a relationship with that chick."Mangle scoffed.

"Mhm..."Toy Chica nodded.

"You aren't gonna say anything?"Mangle looked at her.

Toy Chica shrugged and stood up,

"I honestly don't know but...have fun."Toy Chica smirked.

"Wait!What's with the 'have fun'?"Mangle raised a brow.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."Toy Chica winked and went in their bedroom.

Mangle looked at her confusingly and sat back on the couch.

Have fun?

Mangle stood up and left the room and knocked on Kenny's room.
Second later, Kenny opened the door with a raised brow and let her in.

"Kenny, what exactly are we doing tomorrow?"She asked.

"We will be going to a studio for your collaboration.I already picked someone for you and luckily, his manager and I came to an agreement to let both of you have your first collaboration.So for the whole day, we will be at the studio."Kenny said.

"Oh...okay.Thanks Kenny.What time are we leaving?"

"We will be having lunch there so 11:45."He answered."Any more questions?"

"Nu-uh."I shook my head and left the room.

First collaboration!This better be great,
Come to think of it, who will I be collaborating with?

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