The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon

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Holy Crap...

They both thought,

"Okay, I have to go..."Mangle broke the silence and tried to pass by him.

"Mangle, is that you?"He asked and grabbed her arm from behind and looked at her.

"Nu-uh."Mangle sweated and smiled an awkward smile, trying to get rid of him.

"No, it is you!"Foxy smiled, pulling her close.

Mangle glared and pulled her arm,
"So what if it's me?!Don't you have a girlfriend?"Mangle snapped and walked away with Foxy trailing behind her.

"Um, yeah!But can't I say it's great to see you again!?"Foxy asked, passing by a few girls making them swoon.

"Yes but do NOT expect me to say that because it is certainly not great to see YOU!"Mangle sassed.

"Still the sassy girl I know."Foxy smirked slyly.

"You are such a-"Mangle turned around with a glare on her face but as soon as she saw his face.The glare faded and turned to a dazed look.

'I hate to admit, he, why the hell is he smirking like that?WAIT!HE'S DOING THE SEXY SMIRK TO MAKE ME SHUT UP!!!'Mangle thought in a shocked expression and glared back.

"Your smirk is not working and it never will."She stated and walked again.

"Why the heck are you acting like this?"

"Oh, I don't know.Maybe it's because your butt cheated on me!?"She growled.

"Oh....but it's great to see you again!You finally achieved your dream.Congrats!"Foxy smiled,  still following Mangle.

"You look like a lost puppy.Stop following me."Mangle muttered.

"Can't I talk to my babe?"He asked with a pout.

"No.I'm your ex-babe and don't even think on cheating with your girlfriend.Your acting like a playboy."Mangle commented.

Foxy just chuckled.

"Look, I have an intetview.So why don't you look for another girl to cheat on?"Mangle glared at him and walked away.
Foxy, not following her with a saddened expression.

-Time skip at the tonight show with Jimmy Fallon-

"Welcome back.This April, our next guest is a talented and new musical star and singer, please welcome our white lady singer Mangle Montez, everybody."Jimmy Fallon said to the crowd and Mangle appeared, waving to the crowd with a new, fresh pair of white, ripped jeans sent by Toy Chica.

The crowd cheered and applaused,

"Thank you for coming on the show.I appreaciate it."He smiled.

"I appreciate it too!"Mangle laughed sweetly.

" does it feel?Y'know, the paparazzi, fame, fortune, fans, the love.How does it feel?"He asked.

"'s...pretty cool actually.You got a lot of people you and they love you!That's a very nice feeling.You are a role model to little kids and people listen to your music and appreciate it!"Mangle answered.

"Speaking of music, are you going to release your first album or go with the acting flow?"

"Honestly, I love doing both.Singing and acting are my passion!But since the movie White Lady was a hit and earned billions I decided to rest the acting business for a while and focus on my music so yeah, an album might be coming out."Mangle said and the crowd went wild when she mentioned that.

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