Plan A

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"Fangle is trending!"

"Fangle is the new couple ruling in the music industry!"


Nightmare Chikka glared at her iPad and threw it across the room.

"I hate you Mangle!"Nightmare Chikka yelled angrily.

Sabrina covered her little brother's ears and winced.

"I-I told you, it's bes-"

"Shut up Sabrina!We're plotting a plan now!"Nightmare Chikka growled at her.

"If it's 'killing Mangle' like you said minutes ago, it ain't a plan."Sabrina muttered.

Nightmare Chichi snapped her head at her, "What did you say!?"


She leaned back at the chair and thought deeply.
She stood up to pick up the iPad when a little plan popped in her mind.

After typing and stalking and doing some research, Nightmare Chikka smirked in satisfaction on what she found.

She turned around and let out a sigh and gave an innocent smile.

"Sabrina, this is where your business starts."Nightmare Chikka said and faced her, still displaying the smile.
"Go to the airport and look for their 'friends' and befriend them."She said with a soft sigh.

Sabrina stood up after glancing at her scared, little brother.

"That's it?That's your plan?"Sabrina asked.

" figured I was too harsh on you and...maybe read your diary...that you want to be friends with them.I'm giving you a chance to befriend them."Nightmare Chikka innocently smiled.

"O-oh...did you change your mind about getting revenge?"Sabrina asked.

"I did some thinking.It was wrong of me to spit some bad things about her even when I haven't met her yet.I am soooo stupid."She chuckled and slung an arm around her step-sister.

"Just go to the airport and befriend them.They're picking up their best friend, Ballora.I want my step-sister to be happy.I'll take care of your brother for you."Nightmare Chikka offered.

Sabrina cracked a genuine smile,
"Wow...thanks Nightmare!I'm glad you thought about it!"Sabrina faced her little brother, Ryan.

"Rye, be a good boy.I'll come back."She gave her brother a kiss on the forehead.

"Bye!"Sabrina waved at the two and walked out the room.


Nightmare Chikka lowered her head and smirked.

The plan is going perfectly...

Ryan looked back and forth at the door and then to Nightmare Chikka.

"What are you looking at brat?Your pathetic sister doesn't know whats really happening.She really loves you, y'know."Nightmare Chikka pinched the kids cheek.

"But I don't.You can't even talk nor say a word!"She cackled and walked to her bedroom leaving Ryan in silent tears.

She slammed the door behind her and looked at her and Foxy's picture together at her desk.

"Your forever mine Foxy~No one can steal you from me."Nightmare Chikka giggled and drew a heart around her and Foxy.

"I just have to make sure that Mangled brat doesn't get you back again."She chuckled and lay down on her bed.

"Plan A is in action."She smirked.

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