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-July 10, song release, noon-

"Foxy, where are we going?We're supposed to be at the club with the team and the gang!"Mangle yelled as Foxy grabbed her hand and ran somewhere.

"It's a surprise!"Foxy yelled back.

Minutes later, Foxy slowed down his pace and brought Mangle to a simple river near the bridge.Across it was a forest and a hill was nearby, the sun was inches above it.

"Foxy...what are we doing here?"Mangle asked, nearing the shore of the river.

"This was where my dad and I used to fish..."Foxy spoke softly, stepping beside Mangle.

Mangle's lips parted and she looked at Foxy who was calmly looking at the river.

All she could say was, "Oh."

Foxy looked at her and flashed a smirk, "Come on!"

"What?"Mangle asked in confusion.

Foxy walked to a large, dirty white cloth, between two pine tree's.Once he touched the cloth, he bit his lip, preventing his tears to drop and pulled the cloth to reveal a simple canoe.

He pulled it by the shore while Mangle watched him.
She observed the boat and saw little carved words on the side,


Mangle smiled at the words and walked closer to Foxy.

"So, what do you have in mind?"Mangle raised a brow.

"We..."Foxy picked up an oar and slung it above his shoulder."Are going canoeing."He smirked.

Mangle giggled, "Alright, you're the boss."She walked to the other end of the boat and pushed it.

"Hey!What are you doing?"Foxy asked.

"Helping.Obviously!"Mangle stuck her tongue out playfully.

"No princess, you get in.I'll do the work."Foxy said with a smirk.


"Princess..."Foxy said sternly.

Mangle was about to hesitate and sighed, knowing that Foxy was a stubborn man, "Fine."She got inside the canoe and crossed her arms grumpily.


"Good girl."Foxy smirked amd gave the boat one last push.

He quickly jumped in the other end of the boat and sat down.Pushing the boat to the middle of the river using the oar.

Mangle looked at him and smiled at his charm.

"You are such a charmer."Mangle grinned, continuing to stare at him not so creepily.

"Is that bad?"Foxy raised a brow.

"No,"Mangle shook her head."Not at all."

Foxy started to row the boat slowly and they were now at the middle of the river.

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