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Mangle's POV

"New mother?"I smiled and looked at dad and my new mother, Emilie whom I just met.

I'm back at home with my fam.
Dad, my siblings(except for Tangle, she's in college), Funtime Foxy and Lolbit, and Emilie.
I cancelled Foxy and I's meeting this morning and decided to meet each other tonight at his place so I could get to know my future mom.

Well, they were engaged and their wedding was next month.
I'm pretty happy though, Emilie is...sweet and kind.

And I just met her!

She prepared us some cookies and soda's as we sat on the chairs outside our pool.

I sat by Funtime Foxy and across me was dad and my future mom.

"So, when Becky's secret that she was a golddigger and the fact she tortured us was revealed.Hoho, your dad snapped at her dude!Like she was so busted and scared!Your dad can be legit!He shouted at her while she stammered like a lost psycho and sent back to her little house with Sabz."Funtime Foxy exclaimed."Oh!And Sabri-"

"Alright Funtime Foxy, both of you could talk after this family bonding."Dad said while Funtime Foxy secretly scoffed which I ignored to.

"So, how's your career Mangle?"Dad asked and munched on a cookie.

"Pretty great!I'll be releasing a new song!It's going to be my first collaboration!"I smiled.

"Who's the singer?"Jangle asked.

"Yeah, who is it?Is it Ariana Grande?Rita Ora?Shawn Mendes?Ed Sheeran?"Lolbit asked excitedly being the music lover she is.

I gulped a bit, expecting theur reaction.


"Or maybe it's Toy Bonnie!You two are best friends right?"Future mom asked.

"Well, yeah.But he cheated on my bestie so I'm kinda....fine with him.But no, I'm not collaborating with him."I said.

"Who is it then?"Dad asked.

"Ehm...Are you sure you want to-"

"Yes!Or don't tell me it's Foxy."Funtime Foxy sneered.

I giggled uncontrollably and sighed,

"Um...what if it's him?"I smiled nervously.

They all stared at me, except for Emilie, she was eating cookies.Plus, she doesn't know Foxy.

"You're joking right?"Jangle said, breaking the silence.

"Nope."I said.

"You are collaborating with your ex?"Zangle asked and I nodded.


"No need for violence Xangle."Dad said sternly at him while Xangle crossed his arms.

"I'm just looking out for my sister."Xangle mumbled and I shot him a smile as a thanks.

"Mangle, you are aware he cheated on you.Why did you let this happen?"Dad asked.

When it come to ex-boyfriends he makes sure we don't see each other or talk to each other.That's how strict he is.

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