Wish You A Merry Christmas

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Weeks passed and the whole gang are back in New York for the special Survive the Night Christmas Concert.

Bonnie and Chica had come back from Greece, Chica hadn't told her friends about her pregnancy yet. Freddy and Circus Baby were back from a vacation in a resort with their families. Toy Freddy asked out Elizabeth and were now dating which went all over the news and went viral. Bonnet and Bon Bon was still the same, except Bonnet's belly had grown bigger.

They all met at Mangle's mansion, not the house she owns but the actual mansion that is owned by her father and Emilie.
They were having a party with their families and other guests. The place was decorated beautifully with gold, red, and green ribbons. Little bells dangling and fairy lights were hanged. A huge, white christmas tree was settled by the side and everyone was dressed nicely.

"Mangle!" Mangle's dad and mom walked to her.

"Mom, dad! The decorations look beautiful." Mangle smiled to her parents and gave them both a hug.

"Well, we have to make this Christmas special since your new mom is here. She helped decorated the place too. It's amazing." Her dad grinned and gave Emilie a kiss on the cheek.

The sound of laughing rung to their ears. They turned around and saw Mangle's friends laughing when Toy Bonnie and Foxy danced along with the robotic, dancing Santa by the door.

Mangle and Emilie giggled while Jonas Montez frowned when he saw Foxy.

"I looked up the internet and heard rumors of both of you dating..." He said to Mangle.

Mangle's eyes widened and slowly turned to her father. "Uh...what now?"

"You and Foxy are dating...again." He repeated.

"You and him are dating!? Well, that's swell. I think it's cool!" Emilie smiled brightly.

"No, he cheated on you." Jonas sighed.

"I-I know and...yeah we're together. Secretly." Mangle sighed. "Please don'r tell anyone, we're not ready to make this relationship public."

"Yes, of course, but... I don't trust him." Jonas muttered.

"Well, I do!" Emilie clapped her hands cheerfully.

"I trust him now! And he apologized and made up. He did a lot for me, dad. And I can't help it but to fall in love with him again!" Mangle groaned. "So...we got together again after a lot of shenanigans."

"Do your friends know?"

"Yeah, they do."

"Your siblings?"

"Ehhh, kinda."

Her dad sighed, "I'm going to give him a word later."

Mangle's eyes widened again, "Who?"

"Your 'boyfriend' Foxy. I'm going to talk to him."

"Uh, no. I don't think it's a good-" Mangle cringed.

"I want to talk to him too!" Emilie grinned.

"No, hun, I have to talk to him alone." Jonas said

"You're not gonna do what I think you're going to do to him, right?" Mangle gasped.

Jonas just shrugged and started to head over to the gang.

"Wait! WHAT!? You're not gonna kill him, RIGHT!?" Mangle freaked out.

As Mangle's dad walked to the gang. Everyone died down their laughter and stared at Jonas.

"Hey kids." He smiled and then frowned to Foxy. "Hello Foxy..."

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