Captain Foxy and Lady Mangle

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"Mama, dad.Where are we going?"An excited, 5 year old, Mangle asked cheerfully.

"We're going to Hawaii, sweetie."Her mother said, pregnant with Jangle.

"I can't wait!I want to see the volcano explode!KABOOM!"A 4 year old, Tangle laughed maniacally.

3 year old Xangle cried in his dad's arms.

"Now, Tangle, that's not really exciting."Their dad said as they boarded the boat.

"All passengers please board the boat in line respectively..."

Mangle clutched on her small backpack and walked in the boat happily with a smile on her face.

"I'm excited, mama!"She exclaimed but then she heard no answer."Mama?"She looked up and fear instantly washed over her.

Mangle was lost.

"Mama!Daddy!"She yelled but everyone ignored her.

She was afraid, she shakily walked on the floorboard, frantically looking for her family.
She whimpered and leaned on a wall, sat down on the floor and cried.

She sobbed and let her tears pour out,

"Ahoy there matey!"

She looked up with puffy eyes to see a red-headed boy with a pirate hat, a weird looking pirate patch and a pirate hook on his hand.

Mangle whimpered and continued to cry,

"Oh no!Did I scare you?"He asked and sat down beside her.
"It's okay, I'm a human just like you!"He said, giving a toothy grin, removing his eye patch, pirate hat and pirate hook.

Mangle looked at him and shook her head, "I'm lost."

He just shrugged casually,
"No biggie.I know my way around the ship.My dad owns this ship, come on!Let's play pirates!"He smiled, jumping up.

"Uh...I don't know.Daddy said I'm not allowed to talk to strangers."

"Do I look like a stranger to you?"He asked snootily.

Mangle looked at him weirdly,
"Yes.I don't even know your name."

"Oh!Sorry m'lady-can I call you that?"

Mangle giggled and nodded,

"I'm Captain Foxy!Captain of this ship and rule the seven sea's!"He says gleefully, pulling out a wooden sword.

Mangle laughed and smiled,
"Well, in that case, I'm Lady Mangle!Can I join your crew?"

Foxy thought for a while,
"Hm...I need a task to do, like..."He looked around and pointed at an old person who was leaning against the metallic corridor.

"Kick that old man because he stole me cookies!"Foxy demanded.

"But daddy said-"

"Daddy, daddy, daddy!From now on, I'll be your daddy!"Foxy said.


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