Hey Dad

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The sound of forks clinking against the plates filled the dining room and the living room. Lunch was silent. Arista was glaring at the noodles in front of her and slurped then angrily. Foxina awkwardly glanced at her mom then to her dad who was in the living room, eating his plate of pasta. Phantom Wolf was normally eating his pasta but inside...he was feeling scared as hell. I mean, his wife's dad is here. Mangle ate the pasta and glanced at Foxy, who hasn't touched his plate.

She swallowed the food and placed a hand on his knees, " Foxy, you've been staring at your plate for minutes now. Eat."

He sighed and looked at his sister, " Why is dad here?"

" Hm?" Foxina looked up and started to talk while chewing her food. " Yeah, um...while we were preparing lunch, we heard a knock on the door and I opened it to see dad so I let him in. Mom was helping Phantom in the kitchen and once she went out the living room. She saw dad and freaked out." She explained until she was cut off by Arista. " I did not freak out! I was obviously mad that HE is here, crashing in during our lunch-"

" Mom, come on. Dad's just tryna talk to you." Foxina groaned.

" What's there to talk about?"

" He's been reaching out to you before and during our wedding." She pointed out, holding Phantom Wolf's hand.

They continued to bicker as Foxy sighed and stood up from his seat, facing Mangle.
" I'm gonna talk to dad, is that fine?"

She nodded, " Mhm, of course." She gave him a smile, gazing to his eyes. They somehow knew what each other was saying only by looking at each other's eyes. One of the things Foxy noticed on their relationship. He loved it.

Foxy walked to the living room, seeing his dad finishing his pasta and sat down comfortably on the couch. He looked up and saw Foxy staring at his dad, looking at his features and everything.

Fabian Pirate, the man who left them after the argument. His features didn't change at all. He still had his red hair, his mustache, beard, structured face, gold piercings, the tattoo. It was clear Foxy got his looks from his dad. Everyone would say he looked like him.

" Foxy, my boy!" Fabian exclaimed happily in his gruff voice. " Dad..." Foxy began, sitting next to him.

" How are you, son?" Fabian asked, slinging his arm around Foxy. He flinched once he felt his arm around him. " Good." He replied shortly.

Fabian nodded, " That's...good..." He muttered awkwardly.

Foxy looked around, searching through his mind for topics to talk or ask about to his dad. There was a lot of things that ws going in his mind. Was he pissed to see him? Well, yes. But he was also relieved, sad, and felt hopeful seeing him here. He sighed and cleared his throat.

" How are you?" He asked.

" Not sure..." His dad replied almost immediately. " A lot of things has happened."

" I can tell." He knitted his eyebrows together, feeling angry.

Fabian noticed his expression and looked at him with a pitiful look, " Foxy...look, I want to be with your mother again."

" I know." He grumbled. " But how can you be with her after leaving us for years. Years, dad." He looked at him, tears building up his eyes.

" Mom was depressed for years, she was lonely. She was stressed. Ever since you left, everything was difficult. You think it's easy to get mom back? You left with no explanation and we were heartbroken." He sniffed.

Fabian sighed and nodded, " I know. And I'm sorry for leaving you, your sister, and mom behind. I'm really sorry."

" Do you really want to have her back, dad?" Foxina came in, sitting on the arm of the couch.

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