Broken heart

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Toy Chica's POV


"And another cute dress made!"I exclaimed happily and placed the pastel blue dress in one of the racks.

7 dresses were made for my customers back at the university.

I posted some of my designs at the internet too and people loved it.

I removed my eye glasses for sewing and stuff and cleaned up my desk.

I collapsed on my bed making it bounce and I stared at the ceiling with a sigh...


"Oh no not another customer...."I groaned and jumped out of bed getting my phone.

"Toy Bonnie?"I muttered with a raised brow.Why the heck is he calling me?
But I answered anyway,

"Hello?"I said.

"Hi TC."Toy Bonnie said.

Weird, he doesn't call me TC too much.

"Hey...What's up?"

"I have to tell you something."He said and he sounded serious which made me...nervous.

"Mm, w-what is it?"

"We're breaking up."


And I felt my heart shatter into pieces.

"I'm sorry TC but...I found another girl I love."

No, that can't be right.

" was that Angel chick, isn't it?"I asked getting irritated and tears forming in my eyes.

" is."

My tears bursted out and a lump on my throat made it even worse.

"Why?"I choked out.

"I just...don't feel like I love you anymore...."

And my heart was officially gone.

I cried and wiped the tears falling from my eyes,

"I'm sorry, I just don't want it to make it worse so I had to tell you."


"F-fine!We're over..."I sobbed.

"Thank you TC,"

"Thanks too..."I muttered.

"Soooo I'll be-"

"F*** you TB."I growled and ended the call.

I threw my phone to the wall and threw myself on a pillow letting all my tears out.

What an idiot, I freaking ha-



I picked up my phone from the carpet not bothering to look who was calling me and snapped,


"It's me, Bonnet."

Oh no...

"Hey, what do you want?"

"I wanted to check if you're okay but I figured you were not so I called you to help you feel better."

"Well thanks Bonnet offence I can't talk to someone related to him..."I said.

"Oh, I understand.I'll call Mangle-"

"No!Don't!I don't wanna disturb her too much and she would remind me of him too.Thank you though,"

"Okay...I'm sorry TC.Feel better.Call me if you need anything."And with that, she ended the call.

I dropped my phone and walked to the bed again, laying down and cried sadly ever after.

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