Invitation to trouble

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Marionette's POV








Flick was discussing to us the plan.The plan to break in the jewelry store to rob...jewels of course.

They are saying that I should do it by myself, since I was more quick and silent, they would pick me up after I get the loot.

But if I don't do it they said they would do something horrible to Ballora.

The other guys went to the truck leaving me and Flick behind.

I started to move out but Flick placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Remember the consequences."He said.

I nodded and put my mask on and headed to the truck.

This wasn't the life I expected.

Hopping behind the truck, I prepared the loot they gave me.

Sadly, I was not allowed to mention I was working with them cause everyone at the university would be suspicious and Flick doesn't want that.Second, I am not allowed to mention I was forced to steal.I'm trying to save my love ones here!Third, once Flick is rich, he'll set me free.
So here's the tip,

1.Make sure Flick gets the money so he would set me free.
2.Make sure no one is hurt.
3.Make sure I don't get caught.
4.I am not letting Flick boss me around forever.
5.This has to be the biggest sin I ever made and I am guilty about it...

"Mario, we're here!"Flick whispered.

"Dude, I'm not a pro at this!This is my first time!"I argued.

"Shut up or you'll have to face the consequences!"He hissed.

I nodded and jumped as they gave me a boost to the window above.

I landed on my feet quietly and took a look around.

There was a vault ahead so I guess that's the vault Flick told me, the radio tucked beside my waist suddenly made a sound.

"Hello?"I whispered.

"See the vault?"


"Rob's gonna tell you the code, he hacked in and found it.Do not mess up."

I walked to the keypad beside the metal door and Rob's voice came,

"219F8A9N1fPurP13."He said letter by letter, number by number.

I punched the code and the door slowly opened making a 'hiss' sound and smoke slowly rose up.
I grab hold of the metal door making sure it won't slam against the ceiling.
Once it rested by the wall, I got in and opened the sack.

I gulped, I don't even know what to do.

I gathered the cash like what I see in movies, placing each stack one by one.But I did not get everything, just enough to make Flick think he has everything.

"Got it?"Flick asked through the radio.

"The cash."I whispered.

"Well, hurry up.Go forward and you'll see another vault.A gem is kept in there, careful.Don't trigger the alarm."

I walked forward and twisted the big bar in front of the metal door and a screen in front appeared with a hand simulation.

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