Not a date

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"Remember when we were still best friends back at highschool and were not in a relationship yet and try to bring Mangle and Foxy together?"Toy Chica asked Toy Bonnie who was sitting across her, drinking a bottle of coke.

"Yeah?"He gulped down his drink.

"What if....we do that again and bring them back together!?"Toy Chica exclaimed and nibbled on her macaroon.

Toy Bonnie's eyes widened and his brows raised up.

"Are you sure?Cause, Foxy has a girlfriend after all...they might not like each other-"Toy Bonnie said and stopped when he noticed Toy Chica literally fuming.

He cleared his throat. "Ahem, what's your plan?"

She grinned madly, "I'm not sure yet...but I'm going to need your help!"

"Pfft, me?Chicky, I have better things to do.Write music, run away from fangirls, make out with my girlf-"He scoffed and saw Toy Chica fuming again.

"Yeah, so, I dunno."He shrugged casually and sipped on his drink.

Toy Chica swiftly pulled his arm and brought his face closer to hers.

"You will help me bring back the ship together!"She growled.

"Oh yeah?Make me."He challenged with a smirk.

"I could tell your girlfriend all the nasty things you did."

"Fine!"He groaned as Toy Chica smirked and mumched on the macaroon.

"Also, I was planning, after Mangle and Foxy's release of their new song, the gang can go to the carnival!"She beamed."Ooh!And this too, we are going to need lots and lots of money!"

"Oh no, don't tell me we're gonna use my money."Toy Bonnie sighed.

"Of course we won't,"Toy Chica smiled as Toy Bonnie sighed in relief.

"We're going to use your money, Freddy's, Toy Freddy's, Chica's, Bonnie's....mine!"Toy Chica listed.

"Welp, at least I'm not the only one."He muttered.

"Why are we doing this anyway?"He asked.

"Because Toy Bonnie..."Toy Chica started,
"It's destiny."She sighed dreamily.

"Oh boy...I feel bad for Foxy right now."He mumbled.

"What was that!?"Toy Chica growled.

"Woah!Nothing!Nothing!Jeez, take a chill pill, Chicky."Toy Bonnie sighed.

Toy Chica raised a brow,
"Chicky?What kind of nickname is that?"

"It's a nickname for you and you only."He winked flirtaciously.

Toy Chica blushed and mentally shook her head, No!No!

" you think this plan of yours will work?"He asked as they both stood up and walked out of the cafe.

"I think so.I don't know.The future is so..."

"Unperedictable?"He asked.

"Yeah..."She nodded."I mean, I did not expect Foxy would cheat on her and you....y'know."

Toy Bonnie felt guilty about it and wiped a sweat,

"I-I'm sorry, T-"

"It's okay Toy Bon, it's all in the past."She smiled sweetly.

"So how are you and Angel?"She asked.

"We're good, happy.How 'bout you?"Toy Bonnie asked her.

"I'm single."She blushed in embarrassment.


"Yeah, super weird for a fashion diva."She giggled carelessly.

"It's need to feel embarrassed.I'm pretty sure you'll find the right guy...someday."Toy Bonnie reasurred her.

"Yeah...I hope."She shrugged.

"I have to go somewhere.Thanks for going with me Toy Bon."Toy Chica smiled.

"You're welcome, Chicky.Thanks too!"Toy Bon smiled."And I'll make sure to tell the other's about the plan."

Toy Chica nodded and proceeded to walk away,

"Oh, Toy Bon!"Toy Chica called.

Toy Bonnie perked up and looked at her.

"This is not a date!"She yelled playfully.

Toy Bonnie rolled his eyes and smirked.
Toy Chica smiled teasingly and gave one last wave.Toy Bonnie waved back.

I love you | Fangle | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now