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Mangle's POV

"Mangle!Wake up!"Toy Chica yelled and slammed me with a pillow.

"Alright!Alright!"I said and groggily sat up and got hit by a pillow again.

"It's your first collab meeting and it's 8:00!You need to get ready!"

"Okay TC!But remember you are my bestie and my personal fashionista.NOT an alarm clock."I mumbled while she just giggled.

I took a shower and changed into my clothes, black high-waist jeans and a tank top with a denim jacket draped around my neck.
Toy Chica put my hair up in a curly ponytail and let me wear this 6-inch denim heel boots.

She did a peachy make-up and swiped on more layer of peach lipstick on my lips.

"Done!"She smiled in satisfaction and placed the tube back on the kit.

We walked out the bedroom and stopped by the door,

"Okay, have fun.Don't strain your voice too much!"Toy Chica grinned and handed me my bag.

"Okay mom!"I rolled my eyes as we laughed.I stepped out the door and grabbed the knob to close it until TC yelled a 'Wait!'.

"Have fun."She winked and giggled playfully.

"Um...okay?"I gave a confused look but waved goodbye to her anyways,

I met Kenny at the lobby and were fetched by the limo.

"So how did you organize the meeting and the collaboration plan?"I asked him.

"The manager was my room buddy when we were at college back at the old days.We both had a passion for managing and music so you can tell we are best friends."He chuckled.

"Oh, that's great."I smiled.

We parked in front of a big, big building and stepped out the limo.

"This is the place?"I asked.

"Yup!Pretty neat!This guy is loaded."He commented and walked in while I was trailing behind him.

Once we entered the fresh room, it had couches and plants with a guard and a lady by the counter.

"You must be the boss' guests.Please take the elevator to level 7, have a great time!"She said cheerfully.

We stepped in the elevator while I looked around,

Who needs this much space?I mean, this elevator has plenty of space!

"So, we're having lunch with the guy?"

"Yes, guys actually.Your partner is a guy."He stated.

"So who is this manager?"

"Andrew's his name."

I looked at him in shock and shrugged it off, There are plenty of guys named Andrew.

The bell dinged indicating that we have reached the 7th floor.

The hall was wide and the room, which I'm guessing is the lunch room, is up ahead.

Andrew came out the door and greeted us,

"Kenny!"He exclaimed as they both fistbumped.

"Mangle!Great to see you!I am a fan of your movie!"He said cheerfully and gave me a hug.

"Uh-huh, thank you."I smiled.

"Come in you two!Your partner is waiting for you!"Andrew went in the room and we followed him.

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