This will be our last(Part 2)

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Foxy picked up.

"Mangle-"Foxy stuttered.

" cheated on me."Mangle whispered, tears cascading from her eyes.

" saw the pic didn't you?"

"What does it look like? I supposed to know then?"Mangle blurted out angrily.
Her true emotions going out.

"Mangle, I have something to confess."Foxy said on the other side.

"Go on,"Mangle calmed down, hoping there was a reason he had a first date with that...chick.

"I-I..."Foxy stuttered.

"I don't love you."He broke down.

Mangle froze and lost it.Her heart exploded, Her eyes widened and her pink lips trembled.
She collapsed on the ground.Her heart beating rapidly and it was getting hard for her to breathe.Foxy, too, continued his silent cry.

"You don't mean that."She said boldly."Y-you said you loved me,"She swallowed and continued, "You said nothing would change that."She cried, her head hanging low and her hair covering her face.

"Mang, I'm sorry.I meant it."He said.

"So we are done?"She managed to choke out.

"Yes."He replied and sobbed a little.

"Oh..."Mangle said and cried again.Tears streaming down.

Foxy felt guilty but he knew it was the right thing to do.He couldn't stay in a relationship when he loves someone else and continue lying to Mangle.

"I'm sorry M-Mang.I really-"

"No."Mangle started."I understand, there's no need to apologize."

"So...this is goodbye?"Foxy asked.

Mangle quietly cried, hurting inside so much.
She bit her lip and nodded,

"Yes.Goodbye...Foxy."She cried and it came out more like a whisper.

"Goodbye Mangle."


Mangle lost it, she threw her phone far from her and hugged her knees while lying down on the floor.

She felt extremely hurt but took the pain.

She heard the door open and Cindy gasped, looking at her best friend.

"MANGLE!"She exclaimed and ran to her side.

"What happened?"Cindy asked.

"I-It's our last, h-he-"Mangle choked and cried more.

Cindy hugged her tight and made soothing sounds.

"Oh...I get it.I'm sorry Mang, I-I'm here..."Cindy cooed to her bff while stroking her hair.

"This will be our last..."

I love you | Fangle | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now