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Once the gang heard that Mangle was gone, they became worried and frustrated.

Toy Chica snapped on Foxy and almost punched him in the face, the boys had to push her back.
Having 11 people to glare at you and talk some sense into you was not fun.

Foxy had to skip dinner with them and went outside to take a relaxing night walk.

He breathed heavily and walked farther away from the beach He
house, going to the the right side of the beach.

He saw a broken, washed out boat and sat on it, picked a rock and threw it on the ocean water, making it jump two times.

"Trouble boy?"He heard someone.

He turned around to look at the red headed man who went fishing a while ago.

"Oh...hi.Sorry, is this your boat?"Foxy asked.

"Yes it is.It's alright,"The man said and sat down beside him, picking up a rock and threw it on the ocean water, making it jump 4 times.

"You got trouble?"He asked.

"I guess."Foxy shrugged and picked up a rock, fiddling with it.

"Was that your girlfriend?The one that was with you at the beach?"The man asked.

"My ex-girlfriend actually, she's my best friend."Foxy said."Who are you?"He looked at him.

"That's not important."The man shook his head.

Foxy could've sworn but he looked really familiar.

"What are you planning to do then?"

Foxy sighed and continued to play with the rock.
"I don't know."

"You have to do something, y'know."The man said with a gruffy, manly voice."She used to be your everything, you love her.I can see it in your eyes.That was the same way I looked at my wife..."

Foxy looked at him.

"You can still get her back but take it easy."

"Did you see her walk away?"

The man nodded.


"Chase her.Get her back.Win her heart.Love each other again."

Foxy just nodded and looked at him again, "Okay..."

The man started to stand up and wiped off the dusts on his lap.
"Alright, I had a good talk boy, but I better be going."He started to walk away.

Foxy saw that the man's wrist had a tattoo of a pirate hook and looked back at the man's face.


Foxy stood up and walked closer a bit, "Wait!Would you like to eat dinner with me and my friends?"

The man smiled and shook his head, "No thanks.Already ate, now win your girl back."And with that said, he walked back to his small cottage.

"Oh...okay.Have a good night, sir."Foxy waved his hand.

The man nods and walks in his cottage, looking at Foxy, who was still fiddling with the rock.
Foxy looked at the white pebble and back to the sea, he threw it to the ocean water.

And it jumped 6 times.

Foxy stood up and walked back to his beach house.

The man smiled and mumbled to him self, "I'll see you later, son."

I love you | Fangle | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now