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Mangle had the room all to herself.She had no idea where Toy Chica and Toy Freddy were but she didn't really mind all that was in her head was the beach party occuring tonight.

She looked at the mirror one more time.She wore a flowy white skirt and a pink halter top with a white cardigan, her hair was up in a ponytail and decorated it with little flowers she got from Foxy when they went for a walk.

She heard a knock on the door and walked to the door and opened it to see Foxy in white shorts and white button up shirt.

"Hey babe, you look amazing as always."Foxy grinned and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"So do you my love,"Mangle smiled.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah,"She grinned and linked arms with him as they walked to the elevator.

Once they were at the beach, they saw every celebrity dancing to the music and drinking cocktails and snacks.

The pair walked to the chocolate fountain and picked out fruits to dip in chocolate.

"Hey Foxy, Mangle.Great to see you two here."Marvel smiled as he got punch.

"Hey Marvel,"They smiled back and walked to a table to eat their snack.

"Hi Mang,"Cindy and Happy Frog approache them.

"Cindy, Frogina!"Mangle exclaimed and gave them a hug.
"It's been a while since I last saw you."

"Girl, we saw each other last last month!"Cindy laughed.
"I'll see you later, Frogina and I got boys to flirt."She winked.

Mangle laughed, "Have fun."

Cindy and Happy Frog smirked and nodded to Foxy, mouthing 'You got him?'

Mangle blushed and nodded slowly.They winked and walked away.

"Cutie!"Shadow Garth exclaimed, walking over to them.

"Shad!"Mangle smiled.

"Foxy."Shadow Garth looked at him.

"Shadow Garth."He did the same.

Mangle finished off the fruits on her plate and glanced at Foxy's plate which only had one more watermelon left so she grabbed and ate it.

Foxy noticed her and smirked,
"Queen, what were you doing?"

Mangle tried to avoid herself from laughing, "Nothing."

"Good girls don't lie."

"But I'm not a good girl."

"Yeah, yeah."Foxy rolled his eyes and pulled her closer."But your my bad girl."

(Anyone get it?)

Mangle giggled and punched his chest.

"Come on Queen, let's dance."He smirked and they both headed to the dance floor leaving Shadow Garth behind with a steaming face.

They danced to the song 'South of the Border' by Ed Sheeran, Camila Cabello, and Cardi B.

"Pleeaasseeee?"Toy Chica pouted to Twisted Wolf.


"Dance with me, please?"She pleaded.

"I don't dance."


Twisted Wolf gave her one look and then smirked, "Fine.Whatever you want babe."He walked to the dance floor.

I love you | Fangle | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now