Always Been You

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" What? What? What's up?" Funtime Foxy asked frantically, rushing downstairs with a bag of chips on her hand.

" Everything okay?" Mangle asked, following Funtime Foxy to the kitchen.

Toy Chica turned around with a huge smile on her face (along with a fresh face mask with her hair tucked in a towel), she squealed. " I just got an email from North Hampton Hills Academy!"

" Oh sh*t, they want us back there? Hell no, I'm no doing any more homeworks-" Funtime Foxy grumbled until Toy Chica cut her off.

" No, no, no, no! The school is inviting us alumni to attend one of their events with the new students. Y'know, talk about our professions and stuff." Toy Chica explained, waving her hands around. " After, we'll be having a small reunion party with our old classmates and teachers."

" Really!?" Mangle grinned, clapping her hands.

" Yeah! Our teachers and classmates will be there! We get to see how much the school has changed. God, I miss studying there!" Toy Chica sighed. " We are going, right?"

" Heck yeah, we are!" Funtime Foxy cheered. " Wonder if the rest of the gang knows this."

" Then let's tell 'em!" The excited blonde suggested and started to call Toy Bonnie.

" So that means you and the others will be talking about your jobs. Better prepare your speech, cous." Funtime Foxy snickered.

" What about you?" Mangle asked, " You have a job too."

" A tattoo shop, yes. But I don't think the school would want me to talk about that type of bad influence stuff. Cause tattoo's are 'bad'." Funtime Foxy laughed and rolled her eyes. " It's called expressing yourself in an artistic way, but whatever. I don't do speeches."

Mangle scoffed with a smile, " Fine, you do you."

Her phone suddenly rang, so she picked it up and checked the caller ID.

" Ooh, lover boy is calling!" The tomboy teased.

Mangle turned to her with a playful glare while Toy Chica and Funtime stiffled a giggle and she answered the call.

" Hey, babe." Mangle smiled.

" Hey, queen. Did you get an email from North Hampton Hills?" He asked. You could tell from the tone of his voice he just woke up. One of Mangle's turn ons.

' Ohhh boyyy....'

She blushed, hearing his voice. " Y-yeah, uh...Toy Chica told me and Funtime about it." She replied, mentally slapping herself for stuttering.

" Oh, cool. Guess we're going, huh?"

" Yep." Mangle squeaked, her face redder than Foxy's hair. ' That frickin' morning voice, i swear to god...'

Foxy raised his eyebrow, hearing Mangle's little squeak, which he found super cute.
" You okay there, babe?"

" YES! Yes, I'm fine." Mangle panicked when he asked that question, mentally slapping herself again for bursting out.

It went quiet for a few seconds between Mangle and Foxy. Toy Chica and Funtime Foxy behind her, wondering why Mangle was looking flustered. But the again, it's Foxy. Of course, she'd be flustered.

" What's up with her?" Toy Chica asked, trying to hold in a fangirling fit.

Mangle chewed on her bottom lip, wondering why they were both quiet. She decided to speak up, " Okay, so-"

I love you | Fangle | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now