Coup de Foudre

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The whole ride was silent.

Mangle was sitting across Foxy in the limo, looking at the window.

Foxy was giving Mangle some unnoticed glances and sighed while staring out the window.

"So how is the song?Finished?"Kenny asked.

"Almost...I guess."Mangle shrugged.

The manager's looked at each other confusingly and back at the road.

"Why are you both silent today?"Andrew spoke up while driving.

'Great, thanks Andrew...'Foxy thought with an awkward frown.

"Uh...we are?"Mangle asked, trying her best to pretend not to notice that they were both pretty silent.

Luckily, she was a master in acting.

"Yes, aren't you both usually talking?"


Mangle looked at Foxy blankly and Foxy shrugged.Mangle rolled her eyes.

"I'm a little sleepy so yeah..."Mangle said.

"Oh?But we're recording today, are you sure you'll be fine?"Kenny asked.

"Yeah, I'll just buy myself some energy drinks.Plus, we're just going to write the full lyrics and maybe work on the tune and beats with the producers."Mangle said.

"Alright, sounds great."Kenny smiled,

"What's the title of the song?"Andrew asked immediately.

Mangle remained silent and looked out leaving Foxy to answer his manager's question.

"Moon and Sun."

Andrew and Kenny cocked a brow,

"Why is that Moon and Sun?"They asked.

Mangle and Foxy looked at each other, wondering what they were going to say.

"We're here!"Kenny exclaimed.

They looked out and big brown gates were in front of them, slowly opening with 2 guards at the post.

Andrew drove the limo in and parked it at the parking lot beside a white jeep.

They walked out the limo and stepped in the studio, greeted by the doorman.

"Kenny, Andrew!Waddup!"A cool looking man dressed formally, wearing sunglasses exclaimed.

"Hey Boss!"The two men smiled and did their personal handshake.

Boss approached Mangle and Foxy and removed his sunglasses from his eyes.

"Mangle, Foxy!My two favorite singers in the music industry!"Boss shaked their hands.

"Mangle Montez."Boss started, looking at her, "You look beautiful!"

"Thank you."Mangle smiled softly brushing her white, off-shoulder dress with a gold clasp on the waist and pink splattered design on the hem of the dress.

Boss turned to Foxy and flashed a toothy grin, "And of course, my boy, you look dashing."

"Thanks,"Foxy cockily smirked as he brushed his blood red hair coolly.Posing naturally in his
red, checkered button-up shirt jacket and a white shirt.Black jeans and a chain with music notes hanging by the side and his usual black converse.

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