Goodnight n go

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"A carnival?"Mangle raised a brow with crossed arms, looking at the carnival with a few people in.

"Yep.It's not crowded, no paparazzi, we're by the sea, and it's calm.Great place to think."Foxy smiled proudly.

"You think?"Mangle muttered.

Foxy walked to the counter and paid for the tickets and the pair went in, playing games and having fun like kids.

"Step right up!Come one, come all!Hey, hey!A muscular guy like you can do this!Just bang this using the hammer and make this reach to the top!When it rings, you get a prize!"The man said, calling out the muscular person walking by.

He decided to give a go.He grabbed the hammer and slammed it.


The man did it, he got a stuffed toy.In which, he threw at the nearest bin.

Foxy nudged Mangle and nodded to the 'strength-o-meter'.

"Bet ya I can beat you."He smirked.

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

They walked closer and the man called them out, "Hey boy!Get your girlfriend a stuffed toy just by playing this!"

"Oh no.I'm not his girlfriend."Mangle waved her hands rapidly.

Foxy took the hammer and slammed it to the bouncy, rigged platform.


The red button went up and.....

went down.

Foxy's jaw dropped, "What the heck happened to my muscles!?"

Mangle scoffed, "Please, as if you have one.Step aside."

Mangle grabbed the hammer, brought it up, and slammed it down with all her might.


The button had reached the top.

The two men blinked in shock, Foxy's jaw even more dropped, the man holding out a panda stuffed toy.

Mangle took it with a thanks and handed it to Foxy.

"Give this to your girlfriend."She muttered.

"No, you keep it.You deserve it."Foxy pushed it back to her.

Mangle smirked, glancing at the stuffed toy.

"Yeah, you're right."She smirked and gave it a hug.It's proof that I am stronger than you!HAHAHA!"Mangle laughed teasingly.

"On second thought, can I have it?"Foxy asked.

"Too late.Mine."Mangle smirked amd walked ahead.


The two continued to laugh and play more games, challenging one another and making fun of each other.Eating food such as cotton candies and hotdogs.

It was 9:00 PM, Mangle and Foxy headed to the large ferris wheel by the sea.

Come to think of it, they were the last people there and were actually closed.But the owner was a fan so they decided to let them take one more ride which was a 25 minute ride at the ferris wheel.

"Ladies first,"Foxy jokingly bowed at Mangle, extending an arm.

Mangle stepped on the platform and rolled her eyes at Foxy.

"Hurry up you dork, or you'll be left behind."Mangle said, the seat slowly going up.

Foxy looked up and jumped on the ride.He shut the door and sat beside Mangle, who was looking at the stars above them.

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