Lights, Games, Action!

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Mangle sat on the the couch, stupidly smiling when she remembered what just happened the past few days about her and Foxy.

"Mangle, get your butt up!We're going to the carnival!"Toy Chica smiled.

"We are?"Mangle asked, perking up.

"Yeah we are, the gang and some of our old classies."Toy Chica said, slinging her purse over shoulder.

"Oh, okay."Mangle nodded stil grinning and walked to her bedroom to get herself fixed.

Toy Chica follower her with a smirk on her face and leaned on the wall.

"Why are you smiling?"

"What?"Mangle asked, slipping on her pink flats.

"You're stupidly smiling.Something totally happened."Toy Chica smirked teasingly.

"You know too well."Mangle sighed and then smiled again, "But of course, I'll tell you after the carnival."

Toy Chica grinned excitedly, "Okay, we're taking my car."

Mangle nodded and walked outside with Toy Chica to her car.

They went in Toy Chica's car as TC started it and drove off to the carnival.

Mangle looked outside and then perked up, "Wait!What about Funtime?"

"She's with Sabrina.But they'll go to the carnival too."Toy Chica answered.

"They've been hanging out a lot, huh?"Mangle smirked.

"Yeah.Almost everyday now.I'm starting to ship it."Toy Chica grinned."But I still don't trust Sabrina."

Mangle frowned, "How come?She's been a great friend lately."

Toy Chica sucked a breath to her mouth and shook her head, "I don't know...I mean I like her but I don't trust her."

"Hm.Okay..."Mangle nodded.

"Come on!Tell me why you were stupidly smiling a while ago."Toy Chica squealed.

"Fine, but only one of the reasons why."Mangle said and then smiled."Foxy."

Toy Chica wooshed a breath, "Of course it is!Who else would make you smile like that?"

"Um...Shadow Garth?"

"Oh jeez."Toy Chica mumbled.

"What?He's cute!And he saved my life.Mangle crossed her arms in approval.

It was true, Shadow Garth saved her life.Last year when they were still shooting the movie, Mangle was walking home late night and there was this drunk driver.The light had changed, saying it was okay to cross.While she was crossing, the car almost hit her but it didn't.Shadow Garth had been walking near by and pushed Mangle out of the way in time.Ever since that night, Mangle and Shadow Garth had been really close friends.Some of her acting friends told her that he's bad news and he's a gangster.A playboy.But to Mangle, they were all just rumors...


"I told you, he's bad news."Toy Chica sighed.

"They're just rumors Toy Chica.You just haven't met him properly."Mangle said.

"Pfft, yeah I did.He snapped at me."Toy Chica muttered.

"He was just in a bad mood.His girlfriend cheated on him that time."Mangle said.

"Psh, you mean he cheated on the girl."Toy Chica whispered.


"Nothing!"Toy Chica shook her head.

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