It's Called Love

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Chica barfed on the toilet once again. Bonnie helping her by holding bak her hair and gently rubbing her back.

"Bonnie, bleh, I don't feel good." Chica groaned and barfed again.

Bonnie's face was full of worry. His face paled looking at his wife barf.

"It's okay, Chica. I'm here..."

It was around nighttime in Greece, Chica was now sleeping while Bonnie was sitting on the chair by the study table.



Serious mood swings...

Bonnie's eyes widened and looked at Chica who was peacefully asleep. He tip toed to her and slowly pulled the blanket a bit to look at her stomach.

"Uheeee..." He breathed in a weird manner and ran back to the desk to grab his jacket and phone.

"Bon hun!" Bonnet screamed on the top of her lungs.

"Yes, babe?" Bon Bon came into their room with Gatorade on his other hand.

"When the baby is born which is on February, I want our wedding to be on April." Bonnet says.

Bon Bon closed the cap of his Gatorade and looked at her with a raised brow. "But I haven't proposed to you."

"Well, I love you and you love me. We're gonna have a family." Bonnet crossed her arms.

"There goes my surprise..." Bon Bon mumbled. "But that's true." He smiled and kissed Bonnet on her forehead as she giggled. "I love you."

Bonnet's phone suddenly rang and they both raised a brow, wondering who it is.

She grabbed her phone and placed it on her ear. "Hello?"

"Bonnet." Bonnie's voice said.

"Bonnie? Why are you calling me? Aren't you supposed to be asleep since your in Greece?" Bonnet asked.

"Yeah, I'm calling you cause your bro won't pick up and since your my cousin who is pregnant. I have a thing to say." Bonnie said.

"What is it?"

"I think Chica's pregnant."

Bonnet paused, her eyes widening.

"Bonnet.exe has stopped working." Bon Bon teased.

Bonnet glared at him playfully, "Shut up."

She turned her attention back to the phone and breathed calmly. "Bonnie, couz, what have you been drinking?"

"What? No!I'm being serious, Bonnet!"

"What are you doing now?"

"Going to the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test for her." He answered.

"Oh, good." Bonnet sighed. "If she was really pregnant though, what would you feel?"

Bonnie paused and continued to walk, "Well, at this rate, I'm really shocked but if she really is then... I'm really happy."

"Good, I'm glad you're not planning to do anything...bad or whatever."

"Of course, I love her."

Bonnet smiled, "'Course you do, alright, get some sleep and let her do the test."

"Yeah, goodnight, Net."

"It's morning here, carrot head."

"Good morning then." He chuckled.

I love you | Fangle | Book 3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang