Celebrity month (Part 2)

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"You are dead, Sabrina!"

Sabrina cringed and brought the phone away from her ear.
Nightmare Chichi was busy cursing, threatening, and calling her names.She brought back the phone on her ear."You done?"

"I'm serious, Sabrina!I need information on Mangle and her friends and I want it NOW!"Nightmare Chichi growled.

Sabrina furrowed her brows and leaned against the balcony corridor.

"I-I promise, I'll find something and when I do, I-I'll-"


Sabrina brought the phone away from her ear, ignoring Nightmare Chichi's threats and rants.

"Sabrina!"Nightmare Chichi shouted."Are you even listening!?"

"Back off of me!"Sabrina snapped, "I know what I have to do!"

"Then why aren't you doing it!?"

"Oh, uh..."Sabrina stuttered, trying to make a reasonable excuse.She didn't want Nightmare Chichi to discover that she was having second thoughts.
"Uh...I-I'm on vacation."

"You little dirty-wait, THAT'S IT!That's a really good excuse!You should be taking this chance to gather any dirt you can find.I am such a genius."

Sabrina rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out.

After a bunch of giggling, Nightmare Chichi went back to the phone with her sickeningly sweet voice that could fool anyone,
"Do it.Gather the information, Sabrina and your life is going to be better."

Sabrina gulped and felt a chill running in her spine.
"I-I have to go.Bye."


She ended the call and groaned, putting the phone in her short pocket and ran her fingers through her hair.

She heard the balcony door creak open and turned to see Chica,
"Hey Sabrina, we're having a bonfire.Wanna come?"

Sabrina instantly forgot about her duty to Nightmare Chichi, she smiled to her."Sure!"

She ran out of the room and followed Chica to the elevator, joy on her face.

The gang were currently sitting in a circle with a bonfire in the middle, they also brought crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows to make smores.They also had a cooler filled with drinks.

Mangle pulled her stick away from the fire and frowned when she saw a completely black marshmallow.She pulled the marshmallow off her stick and threw it behind her."Oops, I burned mine."

"Here babe, you can have mine."Foxy holded up his perfectly toasted marshmallow to Mangle with a smile.

Mangle grinned and ate the marshmallow.Once she was done, she kiss Foxy on the lips and smiled.Foxy placed an arm around her while they continued to gaze at each other.

"Ugh, you guys are so cheesy."Toy Bonnie rolled his eyes and threw a handful of marshmallows to the two.

Mangle caught one and popped it in Foxy's mouth, when he swallowed the marshmallow, he stuck a tongue out at Toy Bonnie who laughed.

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