69. [Sad Girl♡]

Start from the beginning

"But I do baby, I really do, of course, I do" Jordan assured as he tried to come near her.

He noted her apprehension, the fear in her eyes, the tone in her voice.

"What exactly did Tayler tell you?" he inquired.

"Don't worry, she spared me the details" she told him.

"Besides-, it doesn't matter what she told me, it's just- " she paused for a moment to think.

"This isn't the first time a girl has spoken to me about their own history with you" she pinpointed.

"Can't I explain myself, please? " he suggested and she nodded debilitated.

"Baby, it's just me and you, there's nothing to be worried about". He began attempting to hold her hand but she wouldn't let him.

"Just me and you?!-, are you sure about that?" she responded rather annoyed.

"He was beginning to grow frustrated himself.

"And I know my worth, believe me, I do-, this isn't about insecurity. It's about how long it took me to learn to love you. What good is that if I'm not the only one?" she disclosed, her eyes already becoming glossy.

Jordan looked her with pain infused eyes, he didn't want to see her this way.

" You must have a lot to choose from," she said to him while nodding.

"What- what do you mean?" he questioned her.

" Girls!" she roared and then bit her lip to silence herself.

"I have no control over that, and you know it" he defended himself.

"I know you don't" she reasoned and looked at the ground.

"Tell me how you would feel if you were in my place. Say, you were in love with me and my exes told you about the wonders of dating me. How I'm a goddess in bed but I break hearts in the end" she taunted and released a long sigh.

"Is that what she said?" he said, his jaw tightening.

"Something along those lines-" she clarified.

"What the-, she had no right to do that!" he roared.

"Well, she trusts me. Now how the hell will I get her to stop talking to me about you, if I can't say anything about this relationship?" she told him and shook her head in disbelief.

"Are you planning on hiding me forever?" she added, her voice weakening.

"Because if that's the case, I think we can just leave it here".

It seemed as if the whole time, Jordan had been numb up until she said this. There was no way in hell, that he could let her go.

"Baby, baby please can you just breathe for me" he convinced as he searched for her hands.

By now, it had begun to rain, but this didn't disturb their conversation by any means. Ava's curls became soaked with water, having them become flat as her makeup began to stream down her face. Whilst Jordan's hair had fallen, his t-shirt clung onto his body as the rain droplets bounced off his jeans.

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