Chapter Sixty Eight

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Chapter Sixty Eight w/ note :

Savannah's P.O.V (This is rare!)

After hearing Aria's sudden outburst, and hanging up on me, well on Zayn's phone, I started thinking to myself. Should I really ruin Aria's life by fake liking/loving the person she loves? And that person thinks he likes me, even though her really likes her?

Be honest. Am I really that bad of a bad person?

All I want is money. And fame. And to see my picture in every magazine....I'm sounding quite selfish. But come on, I want to be in the spotlight! Have paparazzi going crazy over me! And the only way for me to get that is dating a member from the biggest boyband in the world. And I chose Harry because I can't stand Irish accents, a guy who likes girls who eat carrots, and brown eyes. So I settled for the curly haired, green eyed one.

The one who is mostly in every magazine these days. Plus the only thing a girl mostly talks about. I chose a good choice.

Back to what I was saying.....

I don't want to destory the bond Aria and Harry have. I could just go up to Harry and tell him we're through. But we've only been dating for a day and that wouldn't be a good idea. He would think that I'm falling for one of the two idiots standing outside. And when I say idiots, I mean Liam and Zayn. No offense to you directioners out there who are reading my mind.

I have an idea. I will just fake date him for the rest of the week, and then break his heart. Then I will move onto someone else. Like maybe Taylor Lautner. I mean, he is staring in the next Grown Ups 2 movie and in the Breaking Dawn Part 2.

Sure, I will get a lot of hate, but at least I will like to be around Taylor. He has an American accent and I love American accents.

I changed back into my outfit I was already wearing today, and was planning to buy all the dresses I tried on. Even the ones I hadn't yet. Harry gave me money before I left with his two best lads, so why not use it when I am still pretending to be his girlfriend?

I walked out of the stall, holding Zayn's phone.

Zayn opened his mouth, but I shoved the phone at him before he could ask any questions.

"I thought you were going to try on every dress?" Liam asked, "I mean, you brought in seventy dresses and only tried on twenty."

"I know, I'm just going to buy all of them," I gave them a real smile. They all let their jaws drop, "I have a question for you two."

"And what is it?" Zayn asked, looking at his phone to see if I did any damage to it. Smart boy.

"Am I a bad person?" I asked, "And be honest."

"Well, ye-" Liam elbowed Zayn.

"What do you mean?" Liam asked.

"Can you two morons keep a secret?" I asked. I stopped acting. And they are going to see the real me. What a splendid day?

"Morons? Aren't you nice?" Zayn asked putting his phone into his pocket.

"Yeah, when I want to be," I rolled my eyes, "Can you two keep a secret?"

"You sound like Aria when we first met her," Liam crossed his arms.

"Why can't I meet just one person who can stop comparing me to Aria?" I asked, "And a person who finds the things that don't make Aria and I alike?"

"What?" the two asked. I rolled my blue eyes again. Before talking, I moved a strand of my blonde hair out of my eyes.

"When I met Harry, all he talked about was this girl who had brown hair, brown eyes, American, and so on. Aria fits all those characteristics. And then we started dating, he started saying all the things that we weren't alike. Like me having blonde hair and blue eyes," I looked a them to see if they understood, "Then when I walked into your private meeting in the kitchen, I heard Louis comparing me to Aria."

"Okay...." Liam's voice trailed off.

"I have a question, are you dating Harry for love? Or-" I cut Zayn off.

"I'm actually cheating on him," I replied, "With a guy who I actually love. And I'm going to dump both of them for Taylor."

"Taylor?" Zayn and Liam asked. These two are not very bright.

"Lautner, you know, the werewolf in that book?" I said, "The guy who played Sharkboy in that kids' movie?"

"Oh, yeah," Liam said nodding his head, "But why would Taylor ever want to date you?"

"If I give him money," I answered, "I just want fame. And if another guy who has more fame than him, then I will go to him."

"Gold digger," Zayn muttered.

"And proud of it," I smirked.

Aria's P.O.V

I hung up on Savannah and walked back into the main room.

"Hey, gu-woah, am I disturbing something?" I asked when I saw Niall and Kyla kissing.

"Oh, sorry, what were you saying?" Kyla blushed pulling away from Niall. Niall was also blushing.

"Uh, didn't you guys hear me shout?" I lied. I didn't want to say what I was going to say.

"No, did you?" Niall asked. I nodded, "I must be going deaf then."

"No you're not," Kyla told Niall, "I didn't hear it either. Aria must actually be going ment-"

"Just shut it with the chit chat," I said slumping onto the couch, "I wanted to say-hey, you guys ate all the oreos!"

"Sorry," they both shrugged.

"Hmph," I crossed my arms.

"What is going on with Zayn and Liam?" Niall asked.

"They are being tortured by Savannah," I explained, "Shopping."

"A man's weakness," Niall mumbled.

"Unless it is grocery shopping," Kyla added.

"Uh, hello?" I said waving to them, "You guys just kissed two minutes ago and you are just talking about shopping?"

"No we-" I cut Niall off.

"I'm going to go to Starbucks-"

"Didn't you already go the-" I cut Kyla off.

"Yeah, and you two need to spend more alone time with each other," I said grabbing my hoodie, "And kiss."

"Wh-" I cut Niall off.

"And can you guys pick up more oreos?" I asked.

"No, you are the one going out so w-" I cut off.

"Ugh, do I have to do everything?" I asked walking out of the room.

I wasn't going to Starbucks. That was a cover. I was breaking the operation. I was going to Harry's flat. To talk.


Aria is disobeying the opperation! What is going to happen? Will Harry and her talk, or yell at each other? Like last time? Oh well, that is in the future, and right now I need to focus on the present!

Some of you may be wondering, where in the heck is Megan? To answer your question, she is not with Laura, or her parents. Or at Starbucks. But I will give a spoil alert!

*spoil alert* she is not in England at the moment.

Niall and Kyla kissed and Aria freaked out on them. Then wants them to kiss and everything! What a great friend?

with more chapters to come, xoxo

-Kat :{)

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