Chapter Seventy Three

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Chapter Seventy Three w/ note :

"What do you mean you know Savannah?" I asked sitting down on the couch in Megan's old room. Vic, a brunette with a bob, was now staying in Megan's room and was visiting London for a week. She sat down next to me, turning the TV to mute. She was watching the news. And the news was talking about Starbucks. Well, not Starbucks, but One Direction in Starbucks with Kyla, Savannah, and me.

"She dated my brother," Vic rolled her eyes, "She's a total monster. I feel so sorry for her parents."

"Parents?" I questioned.

 Vic sighed, "I met Savannah's parents, because my brother, Vasillos, brought them over to meet out parents. They were so scared to talk when Savannah was in the same room."

"Wow, do you know if she is from a rich family?"

"Yeah, her father is a millionare. Savannah's little sister, Sarah, was famous."


"Savannah got jealous of Sarah being famous. So she started dating her sister's boyfriend and Sarah went to prison because she destroyed Savannah's pent house."

"Do you know if she is out of prison?"

"No. I only know a few things about her family because at dinner the night her parents were over, they were talking about Sarah with my mum and dad," Vic made a disgusted face, "While Savannah and Vasillos were making out upstairs in my room. MY room!"

"I know how you feel," I sighed,.

"She caused my brother to go to jail too," Vic frowned, "Do you know a Vasillos Gomez?"

"If you mean your brother, yes, but not personally," I nodded.

"But do you know an actor by that name?"



"Exactly what?"

"My brother was an actor. After being discovered, he met Savannah. He loved her so much. He bought her everything she wanted, he was like her slave, but with money. Vasillos went bank rupt and lost his acting job in this one show. After a few weeks, Savannah and him were talking about getting serious, like marriage, having kids, that sort of thing. Well, Vasillos didn't have money to propose to her with a diamond ring. He begged my parents to buy it, but they denyed because they didn't approve of Savannah. So, Savannah decided just to buy herself a ring. By buying it herself, she met stealing it from a jewelary store. The cops came, she blamed the robbery on Vasillos, he got arrested."

"I'm so sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"Your brother."

"What? He isn't dead," Vic laughed. I joined her in laughing, "He is out of prison and is married to a nongold digger. He helps out in the family business my great, great, great grandfather started. He has money, but isn't rich. Vasillos is going to be a dad soon."

"Congrats on going to become an aunt, too."

"His wife is nice, but she thinks that he actually stole the ring, and not Savannah."

"Have you ever bonded with Savannah?"

"I had too. Vasillos gave her his credit card and took us to the mall. He left me there with her and she bought half of the store. That is a reason why he went broke. Savannah wouldn't let me buy anything, she told me to stay away from Vasillos."

"Why?" I questioned, "Because of fame?"

"Yep," Vic replied, "She blamed the loss of money on me and Vasillos didn't believe me when I tried to explain the story."

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