Chapter Sixty Three

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Chapter Sixty Three :

I got to the hotel. The driver of the taxi was kind enough to not let me pay him, which I thought was nice.

"Sorry, again, about your outift, miss," the man said, "Hopefully whoever you're visiting has clothes you can borrow."

"Yeah, bye," I waved. He waved back.

Knowing Kyla, she does have extra clothes. The girl packs half of her closet for a sleepover. And when she is going on vacation, she literally packs the entire closet.

I walked into the lobby, it was different than mine, but had the same set up. I decided to go up the stairs. She was staying on the third floor, that made it easy. I reached her room and knocked three times.

"Aria, hey," Kyla smiled opening the door, "How are y-what happened to your cloth-you know what, I have extras. Tell me what happened."

"Taxi, puddle, the usual," I answered walking into the room. She shut the door behind me.

"Oh, well, was the driver like the New York ones? The ones that don't even apologize?" Kyla asked walking over to her suitcase, which wasn't unpacked.

"He apologized," I answered taking my hoodie off.

"Good," Kyla answered lifting up some shirts and seeing which one I should wear, "Well, was he British?"

"Yeah," I said sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"The Brits and their manners...." Kyla's voice trailed off, "So, where's Meg? I thought you would have invited her."

"Oh, job interview," I replied.

"Cool, hopefully she gets a better pay then Pizza Hut," Kyla said tossing some things out of the suitcase. Kyla used to work at Pizza Hut, back in Miami, if you were wondering.

"Kyla, the only reason why they didn't pay you was you only worked for a week."

"They fired me. They never payed me the other days."

"Yeah, because you worked in the kitchen. And you can't cook. Of course they would fire you."

"I can so cook," Kyla said putting her hands on her hips and looking at me, "When I have an adults supervision."

"Yesterday you had an adults' supervision, and there was still a disaster," I chuckled crossing my arms.

"Two things, first, it wasn't me who made the mess, okay? And second, those two boys aren't considered adults because they aren't mature enough," Kyla said. She tossed me a pink henley with a green tank top to go underneath. Along with a pair of black skinny jeans.

"Do you need another bra?" Kyla asked, "If you do, I'm not sharing."

"No," I laughed, "Water isn't that wet."

"Uh, yeah it is," Kyla said pushing me into the bathroom, "Now, get changed. We're going to Starbucks."

"Yipee!" I said sarcastically. I put the outfit on and then I brushed my hair with Kyla's brush, which she left on the sink, along with her curling iron, makeup bag, and straightner. I added some eye liner and then some lip gloss. I put some on my finger and smeared it on. I hope she wouldn't mind.

"Ready to go get coffee?" Kyla said with a smirk playing on her lips. Something was up.

"What did you do?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Why do you assume that I did something?" Kyla asked, mimicking me by crossing her arms over her chest also.

"Tell. Me. Now," I ordered. Kyla groaned and then stared at me for ten seconds before telling.

"ItookyourphoneandcalledNiall,Liam,Lou,Zayn,andHarry.Iaskedthemiftheywantedtocomegetcoffeewithusandtheysaidyes," Kyla said fast. My eyes almost grew out of my head. I never heard Kyla talk that fast in my entire life, and she is one of the most talkitive people I know.

"Uh, I only heard coffee and that is about it," I said. Kyla breathed in a deep breath and then opened her mouth, but was cut off by a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Kyla made no eye contact with me and ran to the door.

"You texted me, and I wanted to know why it says Starducks and meet me in favor?" I heard a familiar British accent ask.

"Hello to you too," Kyla said, "It is supposed to say Starbucks and meet me in five, Lou."

"Which one? There are bazillions of those here and-" Louis was cut off by an Irish accent.

"See, Louis probably had the same question why it sais ducks," Niall said coming up to the door, "Hi, Kyla."

"Hey, Nialler and Woody," Kyla waved. Woody? What?

"Don't call me that," I heard a voice say. It was Liam's.

"Can we just go now?" I asked walking up to the door. We all nodded and walked down to the elevator.

We got to Starbucks to see Zayn sitting at a table, waiting for us. He smiled and waved when we walked through the door.

"Good morning," I smiled sitting down across from him, "You are here early."

"Yeah, because he was wondering if Megan would be here," Niall said in the seat next to me. I laughed and Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Where's Harry?" Liam asked looking around, he was sitting beside Zayn.

"I don't know," Louis shrugged, "He wasn't in his room this morning. Or in the kitchen. I starved all morning."

"All morning? Morning isn't over yet," Kyla laughed next to Liam, "What do you mean, not in his room?"

"Did something come up?" Zayn guessed, "Did he leave a note...."

"He didn't messege me back, I mean, didn't messege Aria's phone back," Kyla said.

"No, no note. Nothing," Louis said, "Last night we both walked into the flat, and fell asleep in our rooms. Then I woke up, went to the kitchen. No Harry. Then into the living room. No Harry. And then into his room. No Harry."

"I'm going to call him," Liam said pulling out his phone, "What if he went to go see Simon? Maybe Simon wanted to talk to him?"

"No, whenever Simon wants to talk with one of us, it is usually means all of us," Niall said motioning to him and the other four boys.

"Hopefully he didn't get a girl pregnant or anything," Zayn joked.

"I'm going to get coffee, anyone else want to join?" I asked standing up. They all shook their heads and I went to order. I could hear them guess things that happened, and then give an explaination why it may not have happened.

The lady handed me my coffee and a question came into mind, "Does a Megan Daniels work here?"

"Use too," the lady replied, "Quit last night. Something about an au-she told me not tell anybody. Are you a friend of hers?"

"Yeah," I said, "Just curious."

"Oh, well, enjoy your day," the lady smiled. I smiled back and turned around.

I was walking back to the table when I saw something I didn't want to see. I dropped my coffee and everyones' eyes grew wide. Harry was with another girl.

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