Chapter Sixty Nine

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Chapter Sixty Nine w/ note :

I had no idea where Harry and Louis lived. And I've been to their house once. Or flat, like some people call it. I just started walking around the hotel, trying to see if I could remember anything from the car ride. The car ride where Harry drove me back to the hotel. When there was no drama yet and I just met One Direction, excluding Liam because he wasn't there.

That was what started it all. The car ride. I could remember it perfectly. Harry offered to drive me home. I should have made the guess that he liked me because he was the first one to say that he would like to drive me. But then again, I always remembered him being a flirt.

The call was what came next. Kyla called that day, after hearing one of One Direction's songs being my ringtone. And no, I am not a fan of theres at all. Kyla just changed it to that. And that was when Harry saw me looking at the paper Kyla gave me with the dare.

The kiss is what mostly caused the entire drama. If Harry wouldn't have followed me, none of this would have happened!

I felt tears coming down my eyes. I didn't wish that those things didn't happen. I just hated Savannah. Ruining my life, well, my heart mostly. And Harry. Why did he have to kiss me?

I wiped the tears away and saw a car coming up the street. It looked familiar. I looked closer and saw Louis. He pulled over and got out of the vehicle. He walked up to me and then stared.

"Have you been crying?" Louis asked. I nodded my head.

"Not into a pillow or anything. I just started," I said wiping more of the wet tears away. Louis hugged me and then whispered something.

"Harry still likes you," he said.

"If so, then why is he out with that girl?" I asked him. Louis shrugged.

"Everyone makes mistakes," Louis laughed. He then stopped and looked me in the eye, "Is it Savannah who was making you start crying? Because if it was her, then I will-"

"Lou, it is okay," I laughed a little, "I am only crying because of memories."

"Memories of what?"

"The day I met you-"

"Oh, that must've been the best day of your life," Louis joked cutting me off. I giggled.

"Do you remember what else happened that day?"

"No, not really."

"I got kissed by Harry. And met him too. And Zayn. Plus remeeting Niall."

"The carrots."


"We met because of the carrots. If I would have said to you take them, then none of this would have happened."

"I am actually glad that, that happened. Megan is with Zayn. Laura got to meet her idols. I got to hang out with all of you. Niall is with Kyla-" Louis cut me off when I said that last part.

"Niall and Kyla?" he asked. I nodded, "Woah, I didn't see that coming. Zayn and I thought she would end up with Liam."

"Isn't Liam dating someone?" I asked.

"Not anymore. They broke up. Something about cheating," Louis shrugged, "I don't know. I'm not a fan of his who looks up his every move on google or anything."

I laughed, "So, why are you out here?" Louis asked.

"I was going to see Harry-" Louis cut me off again.

"No you are not. You are staying at the hot-"

"No, I am going to talk to him," I said, "Can you drive me?"

"Sure, but I am just warning you that you will be extra mad when you see him," Louis rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You'll find out," Louis said turning the car on.

Kyla's P.O.V

"This is awkward," Niall said, "Just sitting here an-"

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked playing with my fingers.

"What?" Niall made a confused look and I looked up at him.

"Why did you kiss me?" I repeated. Niall blushed.

"I kinda had a crush on you an-"

"You had a crush on me?"

"Sort of."

"That was why you asked me who my second favorite was," I laughed, "You wanted to see if it was you, right?"

"No," Niall blushed red. I laughed.

"It is okay," I said, "I like you to."

"Yeah, just because I am in One Direction," Niall rolled his eyes, "We all know you have the hots for Ha-"

"I am over him. He is with Aria, or Savannah. I don't know. Everything is confusing," I shrugged, "But I like you."

"No you don't."

"Yeah, I do."

"No, you don't."

"Niall, I like you more as a friend."

"What?" Niall looked up from the floor.

"The kiss is something that started it all," I laughed


Kyla likes Niall. Niall likes her. Why don't I just end the story right now and begin a sequel all about them getting married and having children. Just joking....hee hee!

But something is going on with Harry, Louis knows, and Aria is going to find out. Stay tuned! :D

with more chapters to come, xoxo

-Kat :{)

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