Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve :

I was sitting down on the couch, Megan was laying on the couch, her legs were laying on my lap, while she was eating the icecream out of the container and me flipping through the channels of the television.

"So, what are we going to do today?" I asked, "I am getting tired off flicking through the channels."

"Stay in our pajamas!" Megan yelled out holding the spoon up, like she had just won it as a trophy.

"We're already doing that," I said looking down at myself. I was still wearing pajamas. So was Megan.

"Eat icecream?" she asked. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Megan, you're not the best thinker," I giggled.

"I hate you, Aria, you know that?" Megan asked putting the spoon back into the icecream.

"If you hate me, then why are you in my room?"

"Your couch is comfy."

"You have the exact same one in your room!"

"Yeah, but celebrities have sat on yours. Mine was barely touched."

"I bet there were some celebrities that stayed in your room."

"Nope, Linda said there was none."

"Well, would you like celebrities to sit on your couch?"

"What type of celebs? Like singers? Actors?"

"Me! I'm technically famous do to that picture, making me a celeb!"

"Aria, the magazine companies and everyone else don't know that you're the 'Mystery Girl'. Only me, your friends back in the U.S.A, and One Direction know."

"Yeah....but I still have a picture of me on a magazine."

"Alot of magazines," Megan said putting the spoon back into her mouth, "So, what are we going to do today?"

"You know that you sound like people from this cartoon the kids I babysit watch?" I was still flipping through the channels. Boredom filled my entire body.

"What cartoon?" she was now licked the spoon.

"Phineas and Ferb," I answered powering off the TV.

"I have a question," Megan said getting more icecream onto her spoon.

"What is it?" I asked moving my attention to her.

"Why did people invent remotes?"

"For people like us."

"But how did they know there were going to be people like us?"

"I don't know, Meg," I rolled my eyes. I moved Megan's legs off of me and grabbed my laptop off the floor. I got on twitter and then got on facebook.

"Anything new on the internet?" Megan asked pointing the spoon at the laptop, "Or is it the same old boring news?"

"I am going to find out," I smirked. I updated my account on facebook by typig, 'Hanging out with my neighbor, Megan. She really hates her couch in her room because no celebs have sat on it......she is eating icecream, I am typing. We're great friends!' That was a stupid update.

"You sound like you're stalking me," Megan said reading what I typed. I just shrugged.

"Couldn't think of anything."

"So, now you're not the best thinker."

"Hey, at least I can think!" I scoffed.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Megan said throwing the spoon at me. It really didn't hurt. I picked up the spoon, which landed on the couch, and threw it back at her.

Truth Or Dare (A One Direction Fan-Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon