Author's Note 4 :{)

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Author's Note 4 :{) :

Dear Darers,

The book is officially over. :(

But don't cry yet....because I have some happy news to share! There will be a sequel! Yay! All of the same characters will be in the sequel, except for Savannah Smith, Vic Gomez, Aunt Melinda, the old lady who Louis accused for stealing the room key and who Aria admitted her feelings for Harry to, April, Alyssa, Jessica, and all the other fans that I threw into the book.

Now. The time has come. For me, Kat. To tell you. What the sequel's title is called. This has been extremely hard for me to keep it a secret. Because I hated typing sequel. (I was reading this in my head really slowly, for a little dramatic effect! :D)

Drum roll, please? *Drum roll*

And the title of the sequel of TOD, by @lillybird10, but to be more specific, Kat, is........wait for it......

Hide and Seek!

That was a relief to let that out!

And no, I am not just picking games for the titles. I came up with that if you read the summary for the book, which will probably be posted later this evening! There will be three books in the series.

You know how I call you guys 'Darers'? Well, for the sequel, I am calling you 'Seekers'.

And now I will be posting the characters who will be in Hide and Seek (I almost typed sequel. It's a force of habit) :

Aria Clarke

Kyla Martin

Megan Daniels

Niall Horan

Harry Styles

Laura Daniels

Liam Payne

Zayn Malik

Louis Tomlinson

and much, much more! I'm not telling you because I want it to be a secret until the sequel begins!

On the side of this note, there is the song Another World - One Direction. Listen to it. Memorize it. Love it. And I am going to say this now, it will get stuck in your head. My fav. part in the song is the part Louis sings.

I cannot wait until they come out with their new album! Hopefully Niall and Louis have more solos! *Fingers crossed*

for the last time in this book, xoxo

-Kat :{)

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