Chapter Sixty

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Chapter Sixty w/ note :

"The stairs are quicker, Lou? Really? It didn't seem like it," Laura rolled her hazel eyes and crossed my arms, "The elevator would have been faster and less exhausting."

"What if it broke down?" Louis said walking ahead of her, "It wouldn't have been fast. The stairs are quicker."

"No they're not," I said agreeing with Laura, "The elevator is much faster."

"Then explain why earlier today when Lars and I walked down the stairs and got to the lobby before you and Haz, who took the elevator," Louis said turning around to face me, "I need an answer."

"Going down stairs are faster then walking up them," I replied, "Now, let's get to my room. I need water."

"But can you tell me why we had to leave from our fun day with Lars? And why Kyla can't cook and-" I cut Harry off.

"Stop asking," I glared at him, "You'll find out inside the room, " Louis and Laura looked confused, while Harry looked mad.

"I want to now, Aria! Tell me!" Harry begged.

"Wait and see," I sighed.

Kyla's P.O.V (This isn't rare!)

"We need to clean this up," Megan shook her head, "Before Aria arrives here with the other two and Laura."

"Does anyone have an idea to make the cleaning go faster?" Liam asked the four of us. Megan, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and I were standing in the bathroom, discussing the flour mess in the kitchen. Before any of you think it was me, it wasn't. It was all Zayn. Believe me. Zayn was the one who dropped the bag. Why were we in the bathroom? To stay away from Megan's parents, who were in the main room watching TV or talking.

"Me!" Niall raised his hand.

"Yes, Nialler?" Megan asked crossing her arms. Megan and Liam took charge. They were the "bosses" of our assignment. The assignment was to clean up the kitchen.

"Can we make flour angels first?" Niall asked, "I heard that they're very fun and-"

"And messy," Liam cut him off, "We're running out of time and Aria, Hazza, Lou, and Lars are going to be coming soon. I sent Aria a messege, well, Kyla sent the messege off of my phone because the phonenapped it," Liam glared at me and I shrugged.

"You needed to pay attention more to the decorating, Mr. Payne," I shook my head, "And speaking of decorating, we haven't set up the decorations!"

"We're not putting up the balloons," Liam said putting his head in his hands, "No one should see them."

"C'mon, Li, it will be fine," Zayn told his friend, "We have to put them up, or we'll be having to wear your head."

"What?" Liam looked up at me with a confused look. I laughed and then went back to serious.

"I ordered party hats with your face on them. It was Zayn's idea," I said accusing Zayn.

"Yeah, it was," Zayn chuckled, "I told her to order them, I didn't actually mean for her to order th-"

"No one is wearing my head or blowing up my head," Liam said pointing at me and Zayn. Niall, Megan, Zayn, and I burst out in laughter, "What's so funny this time?"

"You said wearing your head or blowing it up," Megan laughed, "You gotta admit, that is funny."

"Well, no one is wearing them or-"

"I want to wear Liam!" Niall said raising his hand again, "And I'm sure Lars will want on-"

"No one is touching those!" Liam exclaimed.

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