Chapter Forty Three

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Chapter Forty Three :

The boys picked us up for the interview. At nine in the morning. Not the time I usually would get up at. I was leaning on the window of the van we were riding in, I tried my best to ignore the chit chatter Laura and the guys were making. I could really tell that Laura was a morning person. Or was she only all hyper because she was excited for the interview?

"Aria, you can't fall asleep," Laura said nudging my side with her elbow, "We have an interview."

"But I'm tired, Lars," I complained, "I barely slept last night."

"Well, it wasn't my fault you went to bed at three in the morning," Laura rolled her eyes.

"Um, yeah, it was. You and Kyla wouldn't stop talking to each other," I whined, "Now stop talking, I need sleep."

"Turn up the radio!" I heard Liam exclaim. Paul, their body guard, who was driving, turned the radio up. Great. It was one of their songs.

"I love this song!" Laura squealed. She sang with the four guys to the lyrics. Now, you may be asking, why four? Because Zayn, the fifth, was asleep. The one no one was bothering.

"I have a question," I said sitting up.

"What's your question, love?" Louis stopped screaming out the lyrics with everyone else. He was sitting on the otherside of Laura, so he leaned over her.

"How come you let Zayn sleep, but not me?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"No one likes to wake Zayn up; It isn't the prettiest thing," Louis said sitting back into his seat, "And besides, he's a deep sleeper."

"That explains why he isn't awakening from your horrid singing," I said leaning back onto the window.

"We aren't horrid singers!" Niall said in the back of the van. I sat back up and turned around to face him.

"Screaming isn't singing," I stated, "Screaming is fangirling. And fangirling is annoying. Annoying is what you four boys and girl are being to me. And me needs to sleep. And if I don't get sleep, I'm not the best person you would like to spend the day with," I smirked turning back around. I leaned back onto the window, hoping not to be bothered again. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

I immediatly opened my eyes. Paul had opened the door and Laura was currently crawling over me to get out. All I could hear was screaming.

"Why is there so much screaming!?" I asked covering up my ears with my hands and following Laura out of the van.

"Because of us," Harry smirked getting out of the passengers seat.

"That explains why," I muttered rolling my eyes.

"Everyone, stick together. Don't get lost in the crowd," Paul instructed. He led us inside the building and into a room.

"Is this where the interview will take place?" Niall asked taking a seat on one of the leather couches. Paul nodded, "Well, I'm hungry. Will there be any food?"

"Didn't you eat breakfast?" Liam asked entering the room, a sleepy Zayn followed behind him.

"No, I was to busy getting up," Niall said crossing his arms.

"Yeah, me too, I didn't have breakfast," I said raising my hand, "And Laura did. That isn't fair."

"I woke up and ate a banana, how is that fair? I hate bananas," Laura said taking a seat next to Niall. I rolled my eyes. I watched Zayn fall into a seat next to Laura. Liam took a seat next to him.

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