Chapter Forty Five

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Chapter Forty Five :

"HELP!" Harry yelled banging on the doors of the elevator, "SOMEONE! HELP!"

"Give it up, Harry," I said from my seat on the floor of the elevator, "You have been screaming for thirty seconds."

"This is very bad! We should have never gotten on this elevator!" Harry started pacing back and forth.

"Harry, if we didn't get on here, we would have been mauled by girls!" Zayn shouted. He was sitting right beside me.

"I agree with Zayn," I pointed out. Harry just rolled his eyes. Louis was happily playing with the buttons, Niall was talking to Laura, and Liam was doing something with his phone.

"Ugh! There is no freakin' service!" Liam exclaimed waving his phone around, "Now how are we going to escape!?"

"Something tells me you guys have never been trapped in an elevator," I said crossing my arms, "You are overeacting and pacing."

"No we're not," Harry said, still pacing.

"Um, yeah you are, Haz," Louis said looking up from the buttons, "How about we play a game?"

"What? You want to play a game now? We're stuck in an elevator!" Harry screamed.

"Wow, I haven't noticed," Niall rolled his eyes, "Everything will be fine."

"How are you guys so calm!?" Harry questioned leaning onto the doors, "We are in a very bad situation!"

"I don't see why you think being trapped in an elevator is a bad thing," Niall's eyes drifted up to the panicking Harry.

"How is this a bad thing?" Louis asked sitting down on the otherside of Zayn.

"It's a very bad thing! Why can't you guys see that!?" Harry yelled throwing his hands everywhere, "What if we never escape!"

"I still don't see why this is a bad thing," Niall said pulling out his phone, "I'm going to order pizza."

"How are you going to order pizza? There is no signal and we're stuck in an elevator," Liam said sitting down on the otherside of Laura.

"I know, but I'm hungry," Niall said, "Does anyone want pizza?"

"Niall, we're in an elevator," Harry said calmly for once, "There is noway we're getting pizza at a time like this."

"What?" Niall literally dropped his phone, "This is a very bad thing! There's no food! How will we survive!?"

"Calm down, Nialler," I soothed, "It will be okay."

"No it won't!" Niall said standing up and going up to the door. He started banging on it like Harry did before.

"As I said before, who wants to play a game?" Louis asked.

"Sure," I said.

"I'm in," Laura raised her hand.

"Whatever, I'm bored," Zayn said.

"Yeah," Liam added.

"What about you two?" Louis asked looking up at Harry and Niall.

"We're busy!" Harry said. He joined Niall with the banging.

"What game?" Laura asked. I could tell she was trying her best to ignore their banging.

"I spy!" Louis suggested.

"How? There is barely anything in here," Zayn motioned to our surroundings, "We can't play."

"I spy two people who are being annoying," Louis ignored Zayn, "One has curly hair and the other has unatural blonde hair."

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