Chapter Nine

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  • Dedicated to Grocery Stores

Chapter Nine :

Going to the store with One Direction may seem like a dream come true to fans, but to me, it was an awful nightmare. Right when we walked through the doors, Niall grabbed a cart and ran over to the candy section, Harry and Louis linked arms and skipped through the store, Zayn wondered off somewhere, and Liam was trying to stop Niall from filling the entire cart with junk food.

I decided to ignore all of them and grabbed my own cart. I got some healthy foods, unlike Niall, and was about to walk to the cashier register when Liam stopped me.

"Do you know where Louis and Harry are?" Liam asked. He sounded worried.

"No," I replied.

"What about Zayn?" Liam asked.

"Haven't seen him, shouldn't you be more worried about Niall? Isn't he the youngest?" I asked. Liam shook his head no.

"Harry's the youngest," Liam said.

"Well, then him and Louis should be fine. He's with the oldest," I said rolling my eyes.

"Louis is the oldest, but he is the most immature out of all of us!" Liam exclaimed, "They could be lost somewhere in the store!"

"I doubt that," I answered continuing my way to the line. I bought the food and then decided to help Liam find the others. Niall was pushing a cart filled with candy, Zayn was with him trying to put the food back on the shelves, and Harry and Louis were no where to be found.

"Where would they be?" Liam asked, "We looked everywhere!"

"Not everywhere," Zayn smirked, "We haven't checked the girls' bathroom."

"We're not going in there," Liam said pulling out his phone. I think he was going to text or call Louis or Harry, but before he could he looked up at me.

"No, I am not going into the bathroom," I said crossing my arms, "Why would they go in there?"

"They're Louis and Harry," Zayn said.

"They may be in there," Niall said trying to eat a candy bar, but Liam pulled it away from him.

"Please?" Liam asked.

"Please?" Niall begged, "We can't lose them!"

"Fine," I said. I walked to the bathroom and opened the door to find them. Wow, they were in there. Harry was sitting on a sink, while Louis was in one of the stalls, "Why are you two in here? This is the girls' bathroom! Not the guys' bathroom!"

"Stop yelling," Harry said getting off the sink, "We can explain."

"You're both females?" I asked. They started laughing.

"No," Louis laughed, "We wanted to see what the inside looked like."

"Why?" I asked, "Doesn't the guys' bathroom look the same?"

"No," Harry said, "Zayn says the mirrors in the guys' bathroom are too small. He was right, the girls' bathroom mirrors are huge!"

"So Zayn has also went in a girls' bathroom?" I asked. They both nodded their heads and we walked out of the bathroom.

"You found them!" Liam exclaimed when he saw the two guys, "Were they in the bathroom?"

"Yes," I said, "They were doing an 'experiment'."

"What type of 'experiment'?" Liam asked crossing his arms. I explained to him that they were trying to see if the girls' bathroom was different than the guys' bathroom, because of what Zayn said, "What did Zayn say?"

"He said that the mirrors were larger in there," I answered. Liam looked at Zayn and Zayn just looked at the ground.

We were leaving the store when a magazine caught my eye. The cover had a picture of Harry kissing me on it. How did they get a picture? Why would they take a picture?

"What's wrong, Aria?" Niall asked coming up to me. He was holding a huge bag filled with junk food.

"Nothing," I lied walking out of the store.

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