Author's Note 3 :{)

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Author's Note 3 :{) :

When I think about Niall, Aria, and Laura (oh, how I miss her, even though she is a fictional character :'( ) saying "Cookies are magical". I think about Spongebob doing the things with  his arms, saying "Imagination". Just change that to what Niall, Aria, and Laura say.

Okay, this is an author's note and I think you all hate me. It's okay.

Now you are thinking, why in the world will she say it's okay for her readers to hate her?

Because what would the world be like without hate?

And then you say, well, that is a good answer.

And now I star talking about the book. :)

For those of you who don't know where Megan is, the next chapter or two may talk about it. And by the way, it deals with Harry.

And who is all excited that Niall and Kyla are almost together! I know I am! And I'm the author! Which means I can stop that from happening, but I won't because I want them to be together!

You wanna know some secrets? When I was planning the book, the character Megan Daniels wasn't even created yet. She was created after I wrote the first three chapters. And then thinking, I was originally going to put her with Louis, but thought she would go better with Zayn. And after doing that, I remembered Rae's step cousin is named Megan and likes Zayn, which made it awkward.  Laura was created before Megan. Well, her nickname was. I liked Lars for some reason, I just like saying it, so I decided there should be a character named that. So I chose the name Laura because it is a pretty name and not alot of people have that name. Savannah was created a week ago. Silly, I know. And I was originally thinking Aria should go with Niall, and then after talking with Rae, because I couldn't decide between Harry and Niall, she chose Harry. So I was going to do a love triangle, and then I made Kyla more of a main character. Then I wanted her and Niall to be together. And blah, blah, blah, and that is how the book was mainly planned!

Here is a question, you can type your answer in the comment box :

Who is your favorite character throughout the book?

Aria Clarke  "...I am not stalking them just so you can get a stupid autograph."

Kyla Martin  "London is the best place in the world. One Direction lives there."

Megan Daniels  "Never have I met anyone who called my dresses trash."

Laura Daniels  "...Five year olds can understand romance, thanks to Disney."

Niall Horan  "...Everyone loves me! I'm a little leprachaun that loves Nandos!"

Harry Styles  "No one can say no to the curls!"

Liam Payne  "That was a disturbing car ride."

Zayn Malik  "...That guy is a jerk."

Louis Tomlinson  "...we are normal."

Please vote! All the things in quotation marks are things they have said in the story!

with more chapters to come, xoxo

-Kat :{)

P.S - The character to recieve the most votes will get to do something that is special in the books!

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