Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten :

I bet all the directioners in the world have seen that picture. The picture of the kiss. Kyla is a directioner, she probably saw it too. Jenna probably saw it, along with the others. They're probably making fun of me right now, about the kiss. Kyla is probably going to never be my friend again, but that is okay. Well, maybe it isn't.....but still! I still had five immature singing boys in my hotel room. Running, jumping, skipping, screaming, laughing, yelling, shouting, twirling, shrieking, and other adjectives.

I sat on the couch playing around with my laptop. I got on facebook and decided to see Jenna's page. She still had her picture of her new hair, but something made me want to punch her. She wrote: "Kyla is so mad.....I hope she doesn't act like this forever. It is so stupid. If you don't know why, go to your closest magazine and open it to the page about Harry Styles and Aria Clarke kissing! Prepare for the wedding! I call being the maid of honor! LOL! :)"

I decided to reply, but then didn't. I read my message that I wrote and saw that I wrote at least fifteen swear words. She is one of my friends and I don't want to see her ache because of a stupid message I wrote.....but she wrote that awful message update thingy! I took a few deep breathes and decided to click unlike. I looked up from my laptop and saw Liam and Niall walking up to me.

"Why so glum?" Niall asked sitting down beside me. I rolled my eyes, why do boys have to be so nosy?

"I'm not glum," I lied looking down to my feet.

"You're lying," Liam said. He took a seat down beside Niall, "Now, tell us what is wrong."

"I don't want to," I said. I really did want to talk about it, but not with them. I wanted to discuss this with Megan.

"Tell us," Liam said looking me in the eye. I shook my head no and Niall started to tickle me.

"Stop! Niall! Stop! Now!" I screamed through the laughter.

"No!" Niall answered, "I am making you feel happy, Aria!"

"Well, if you want to make me happy, get off me!" I laughed. We were now on the floor, Liam was looking at us and laughing too.

"I will stop, only if you tell us," Niall said pointing his index finger at me.

"Fine," I mumbled. He got off and jumped up on the couch, I sat down in one of the chairs. I didn't want to be tickled again, "You must promise you won't tell a soul."

"Then you shouldn't tell Niall. He'll just blab about it to everyone," Liam said. Niall elbowed him.

"I do not blab everything to everyone!" Niall defended.

"Yes, you do. You never keep a secret," Liam said. Niall hit him on the arm and then Liam did the same to him. They did it about five times until I got annoyed.

"Stop! Both of you!" I instructed. They both stopped, "If you want to know what is making me so glum, then you must behave!"

"So you admit that something is wrong?" Niall asked. I nodded my head.

"You must not tell anyone," I said. I picked up my laptop off the floor and showed them.

"You kissed Har-" I slapped my hand over Niall's mouth.

"Don't shout it out!" I hissed, "If you do, I will never trust you ever again!"

"But, you kissed Harry?" Niall whispered loudly. Liam elbowed him.

"You can never keep a secret," Liam told him. Niall was about to say something, but I cut him off.

"I didn't kiss Harry, he kissed me. Then I slapped him. That isn't the secret, the secret is the thing my friend wrote," I said pointing to the screen.

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