Chapter Eight

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  • Dedicado a Daddy Direction! (Liam, duh!)

Chapter Eight :

The party my aunt Melinda hosted was awful. It wasn't even a party! It was more like a charity benefit.

I was asleep in my comfy bed when there was a loud knock on my door. Who would be here in the morning? Megan? No, she had to work today. Housekeeping? No, I put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign up. Then who was it? I moaned and got out of bed. I looked through the small peep hole and saw One Direction standing on the other side. Why were they here? How did they know I was staying here? Well, Harry knows.....but how did they know what room?

I opened the door and put on a fake smile, "Hello?"

"Hi, Aria," Niall smiled.

"Vas happenin'?" Zayn said.

"Good morning, Aria!" Louis greeted. Harry just waved and so did the other one. Liam, I think. The one I haven't met, "Are you going to let us in?"

"What? Why would I let you in?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Because......" Louis' voice trailed off and he turned to look at Niall.

"Because......we......" Niall looked at Zayn.

"Becuase we.....well, wanted" Zayn turned to Liam.

"Because....I don't know...." Liam's voice also trailed off like the others and turned to Harry. Harry didn't say anything and looked to Louis.

"Because we wanted to....." Louis looked to the ground. Probably thinking of an answer.

"Just come in," I said opening the door wider so they could come in. They all walked in, or jumped/skipped, into my hotel room. They made theirselves comfy on the couch or on the chairs, except Niall, "Where's Niall?"

"Probably kitchen," Liam answered.

"Okay...." I said sitting down on the edge of my bed. Niall came out with a bag of crisps, "Why are you guys here?"

"We wanted to spend the day with you," Niall said through the food in his mouth.

"Why? Why me? Don't you have other people in your life? Like people who are actually famous?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"We wanted to get to know you better," Louis said smiling, "And introduce you to Liam," Louis pointed to Liam, who was sitting on one of the chairs. Liam smiled and waved.

"Why do you want to get to know me?" I asked crossing my arms again and looking at them.

"Because......" this time it started with Harry, the one who finally talked. Then he turned to Liam.

"Because....." Liam looked at Louis.

"Because...we-" I cut him off.

"Don't do that again!"  I shouted, "That is annoying."

"Thank you," Louis said. I made a confused face at him and then looked down at my feet.

"So, what do you want to know?" I asked. They all exchanged looks at each other and then Niall blurted out his question.

"Do you like food?" Niall asked. What? Why would he ask that? Almost everyone likes food!

"Yeah, why?" I asked. Niall shrugged and went back to eating.

"Do you like carrots?" Louis asked.

"What do you mean? It's food, isn't it?" I asked. All of them started laughing. I rolled my eyes.

"Where are you from?" Liam asked.

"I don't think I should tell you. You guys may come knocking on my door someday and scare the crap out of me," I answered.

"Do you have any pets?" Louis asked. I shook my head no.

"What's your favorite color?" Zayn asked. I thought to myself, I don't have a favorite color! I loved the entire rainbow!

"I don't have one," I replied. After listening to their questions and giving them my answer, I went to the kitchen.

"Where are you going? Are you leaving us?" Louis asked.

"No, but I wish I would," I mumbled.

"What?" they all asked at the same time.

"Why would I leave? I live in this hotel room for at least three weeks," I lied with a smirk. I looked in the small cupboards, nothing. Mini fridge, only two bottles of water. Great, no food! I was starving. I walked out of the kitchen and back into the 'main room', that is what I call it, and went over to my drawers.

"Now what are you doing?" Zayn asked.

"I am going to the store, because I have no food," I answered, "Do you guys always have to be so nosy?"

"Well......" Zayn said, his voice trailed off. He looked over at Niall. I started praying that they wouldn't do that thing again!

"" Niall said, he was about to turn to Harry when I shouted.

"Will you guys stop with that whole thing you are doing!?" I shouted, "I am going to get dressed in the bathroom, don't mess up my room!"

I walked to the bathroom and locked the door. I didn't want to take any chances. I took off my long sleeved purple shirt and put on a blue cami. Then I took off my white and blue striped pajama shorts and put on a pair of grey skinny jeans. I grabbed my hot pink sweatshirt that said, "Surf" and put it on. I brushed my hair and my teeth and walked out. I saw three of the boys jumping on the couch, while the other two were just watching.

"Are you guys always hyper?" I asked. None of them answered, just shrugged. I rolled my eyes, what seemed like the millionth time, and put on a pair of my beige ankle boots. I only brought five pairs of shoes; two pairs of converse, one pair of ankle boots, one pair of gladiator sandles, and a pair of ugg boots.

"I'm going to the store," I said opening the door and stepping out of the room. But I was stopped.

"Let us come too," Liam said getting up off the chair.

"Take me with you! I am starving!" Niall whined.

"You just ate," I said, "How are you hungry?"

"He's Niall," Zayn said following behind Liam. Harry and Louis ran up to the door, along with Niall.

Truth Or Dare (A One Direction Fan-Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora