Chapter Fifty Nine

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Chapter Fifty Nine :

"Why does it take forever to walk up these stairs?" I asked walking slowly up them.

"Because your aunt bought a room for you on the fourteenth floor," Harry retorted. I glared at him and he smiled, "Glare all you want, but I know that you don't hate me."

"But you do know that I used to and that I wish that I still do," I moaned.

"Aria, can you stop whining, you are making this walk nonfun," Laura said turning around to look at me. She was a few steps ahead, I was the last person behind.

"Here, Aria, you can go on my back," Louis offered.

"No, she is going on mine," Harry glared at Louis. Woah, jealous much?


"Can I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?" one of the kids I babysat asked. Her name was Rylee and she was little. I think first grade.

"Yeah, hold on, okay?" I asked. She nodded, her pigtails bouncing around. She was too adorable! I laughed and walked into the living room to find Kyla helping Rachel, another kid I babysit, with her math homework. Rachel was twelve and sucked at math, so I asked Kyla to come and help.

"And you round the seventy nine to eighty, okay? And then you add that to the number we just rounded to fifty. And then you do-" I cut Kyla off.

"You know you don't have to keep saying 'and then'?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and Rachel laughed.

"I'll take over, can you make Rylee a sandwich?" I asked Kyla. Kyla looked at me weird.

"That wouldn't be a great idea," Kyla said shaking her head.

-End of Flashback-

"Eighth floor!" Louis announced, "Six more to go!"

"You sound like Superman right now, it's annoying, please stop," I said resting my chin on Harry's shoulder.

"I was just takling, geez," Louis rolled his eyes and started walking up the next set of stairs.

"Can you know tell me why?" Harry asked turning his head a little to look at me. I shook my head.

"Never," I laughed.


"Have you ever been to Universal Studios?" Andrea asked. Andrea and I were sitting on a hammock in her room. Yes, she had her very own hammock and I called her lucky.

"Yeah, why?" I asked looking at her.

"You know the food they serve in the Harry Potter village thing?" Andrea asked, I nodded, "Well, the names of the food sound like things Kyla would make."

-End of Flashback-

"Are we almost there? I'm getting tired," Laura whined. She was about to crawl up the stairs, I think.

"Yeah, only four more, Lars," Harry said, "Aria, can you walk now? Your hurting my back and I've carried you up nine floors, with about a hundred stairs already?"

"Sure," I said getting off.

"Please can you tell me now?" he asked.

"Stop asking, and no," I smirked.


"Good morning students!" the principal greeted into the microphone in the gymnasium. We were having an assembely, "As most of you know, we gvie out acheivment awards for classes. Mr. Adams will go first and then we'll move down the alphabet."

"Lyndsey Collins wins the award for doing the most multipulcation and division problems this whole year," Mr. Adams said into the microphone. Lyndsey walked up with a huge smile on her face. She was such a goodie goodie, it sickens me. He handed her the award and he then went onto the person who showed the most intrest in math this year.

It went on and on and then came up Ms. Washington, the cooking teacher. Cooking has been up again since two monthes ago and I got assigned a new partner. I was partnered with Jenna's exboyfriend and Kyla had Lyndsey Collins. She had an easy A, while I had another F coming into my future.

"The last award I will be giving today goes to someone who will be in my prayers forever,'" Ms. Washington said, "This award goes to Kyla Martin, because she is the only student I have taught in all of my fifteen years of teaching who can't cook brownies, fish sticks, spaghetti, fries, corn dogs and other foods. And the other part of the award goes to Miss. Aria Clarke for encouarging Kyla and for getting her back on track when she started to think about Harry Niles."

"Styles," Kyla said running up on the stage, "It's Styles."

-End of Flashback-

"Finally!" we all exclaimed. We got to the fourteenth floor.

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