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Epilogue :

I looked out the window, watching the car go by. Niall was sitting in the drivers seat, and was taking me to the airport. The radio's volume was down, which made this moment more awkward because we were both quiet. All you could hear was our breathing, and some horns beeping from outside.

Then Niall broke the silence.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Niall asked, taking his eyes off the road to look at me, "You know, leave?"

"Niall, I am positive about this," I staring at him, "And I've only told you about me leaving."

"Oh, okay," Niall's voice sounded a little like a whisper. I know he was sad because I was leaving, but I had made a promise with him last night on the phone saying that I will try to visit him and we could go to Nandos together. And he said that he might take me to Ireland, which I think is awesome because I wanted to go there instead of here. London, "So, did you talk to Harry last night at all?"

"Yeah," I mumbled. I remembered Harry and mine's conversation. It was the worst conversation I have ever had with someone. And the most hardest.

"What did you two talk about?"

"Oh, you know, the usual. Just a simple 'hello'," I lied, my eyes drifted back to the window.

"That's it?"


"After you called, I skyped Kyla."

"Already?!" I exclaimed looking at him with disbelief.

"Yeah," Niall shrugged, "She just landed and was waiting in the airport for her mum."

"What did she say?"

"That she misses us. Meaning, me and you. Along with the others."

"What did you say?"

"That I missed her."

"Nyla, Nyla, Nyla," I muttered with a small smile. Niall looked at me with a confused expression and I laughed, "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Did you just say 'Nyla'?" Niall asked putting quotations around the word I had just said. I nodded, "What is 'Nyla'?"

"Niall and Kyla," I smirked. Niall blushed and then laughed, "You two are the cutest couple ever. You two are cuter than, uh, Bella and Edward. Or Peeta and Katniss. Kate and William. Justin and Selena. Zayn and Megan, even though they aren't a popular couple yet."

"We've been only dating for a day."

"And you skyped her right after she landed in Florida. That is romantic."

"Talking to a computer screen is romantic to you?"

"When you say it like that, no it doesn't. But when you say that you were video chatting with Kyla, it sounded romantic because you both care about one another."

"It's just love, Aria. Get over it."

"I can't get over it. Kyla and you are so cute together an-"

"Just shut up, I don't want to hear you start singing."


"You heard me."

"I'm not a good singer."

"You're not?"


"You shouldn't have said that."


"Because now I want to hear your voice."

"My voice? It is terrible."

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