Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven :

"Just admit that you love her, mate," Niall told Zayn. Laura, Harry, Zayn, Niall, and I sat in the main room on the couch. It was a tight fit, but we didn't need to be comfortable. All we needed to do was to get Zayn to admit to everyone in this room that he liked Megan.

"I don't love her, how many times do I have to keep repeating that?" Zayn muttered putting his head in his hands.

"Zayn, you can't hide from love," I said, "Like that saying they use in movies, 'you can run; but you can't hide'."

"Can you guys just give this a rest?" Zayn said looking up at all of us, "I do not like Megan. I will never ever love her."

"I saw the face you made when Aria mentioned kiss Dylan to Megan," Laura said quietly, "You looked hurt, jealous, and sad."

"And a little angry," I added.

"I don't love her," Zayn repeated rolling his eyes and leaning his head on the back of the couch.

"You can keep telling yourself that, but we all know it's true," Harry said.

"And I heard you confess that you like Megan to Aria," Niall added. Zayn and I looked at him, "What?"

"You heard? And knew?" I asked, "And didn't even tell us?"

"I heard you two say it was going to be a secret," Niall muttered shrugging his shoulders, "For once I actually listened."

"Yeah, you listened to something you shouldn't have heard," Zayn snapped at Niall.

"Guys, don't fight," Laura said, "Zayn, it's okay to love my sister. At least you're not forced to love her."

"What?" Harry laughed at what Laura said.

"We're sisters. I am forced to love her by my parents. She's family," Laura rolled her eyes. Niall and I also joined into a small laughter with Harry and then stopped.

"Looks like the secret is out," Harry said.

"What?" Zayn said, "I don't like her. There. I don't."

"Zayn, you like her. Just admit it already! It is driving me crazy!" I yelled, causing me to get everyone's attention. I got up off the couch and stood in front of everyone, "You and Megan should be in a movie! You both are denying your love for each other!"

"How much power can she hold?" I heard Niall whisper to Harry.

"Don't ask me," Harry replied, "I've only known her for like a week."

"Me too, and she thinks she knows everything," Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Because I do! I know that you and Megan should be together!" I shouted into Zayn's face, "Do I have to spell it! T-o-g-e-t-h-"

"Aria, this isn't a spelling bee," Laura rolled her hazel eyes, "Can we give this a rest? I don't like how my sister comes up in every conversation we have."

"Zayn, admit that you like Megan," I ignored the fourteen year old's wishes.

"Harry, can you control her?" Zayn asked turning to his left to face Harry.

"I don't know where her off button is," Harry said smiling at me. I glared at the both of them.

"Admit it, Zayn. Or you will never see another mirror again," I threatened.

"Really?" Zayn scoffed, "I don't believe you."

"Well, you better, pretty boy," I said putting my hands on my hips.

"What? I thought I was the pretty boy?" Harry asked motioning to himself and standing up.

"Harry, now isn't the time to start a stupid argument," Laura told him.

"Why not? We're already discussing a stupid argument about Megan and Zayn!" Harry exclaimed.

"It's not a stupid argument, Harry. We are trying to-" he cut me off.

"No, you are trying to," Harry said, "So far everything has been about Zayn. Like yesterday, we could've went on our date, but no. We had to get Zayn to believe that cookies are magical!"

"Because they are," Niall whispered.

"Shut up, Nialler!" Harry yelled at the Irish lad, "I'm trying to have a conversation!"

"How is this a conversation? You're yelling at me!" I snapped at Harry, "I don't know why you are so upset!"

"Maybe because it feels like the person I love doesn't love me back!" Harry responded leaving the room. I sat back down on the couch. I had three pairs of eyes on me.

"You sure know how to make people mad," Zayn joked getting up off the couch, "I'll go talk to him."

"And so the lover leaves," Niall muttered as Zayn walked into the kitchen. Laura and Niall laughed quietly as I sat there with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Aria, don't be mad," Laura said putting her hand on my shoulder, "Just forget about what just happened."

"No, I can't," I told her, "Harry was right. I always have an excuse to blame something on him. Right now in my mind I am blaming him for making me unhappy."

"You shouldn't be a tattle tale," Niall said, "Harry is just upset, he'll get over it."

"Just like how I am going to get over him," I said. Niall and Laura looked at me, their eyes grew wide.

"What? You are going to unlove him? How can you unlove him?" Laura asked, "He's Harry."

"Exactly," I answered, "I am going to unlove him."

"Is unlove an actual word?" Niall asked. I shrugged while Laura pulled out her phone and looked it up on google.

"Laura, don't," I said grabbing the phone away from her, "You are not looking up unlove."

"I'm going to go into the kitchen," Laura said yanking her phone away from me. She walked into the kitchen and I looked at Niall.

"You sure no how to ruin someone's day," Niall joked. I rolled my eyes at him and let a small giggle slip.

"Why is loving someone so hard?" I asked him. Niall shrugged.

"You shouldn't be asking me that question," Niall looked me in the eye, "You should ask your heart."

"Thanks for the advice," I said looking down at my chest, "Heart, why is loving someone so hard?"

"Aria, really?" Niall chuckled, "You don't actually ask your heart. You do it mentally and see what feels right. Listen to your heart. Not your brain."

"But why not my brain?" I asked touching my head.

"Because you can't live without your heart," Niall shrugged. I laughed.

"What about your brain, Dr. Niall?"

"I don't know, I'm not a doctor."

"Then what are you?"

"Niall Horan."

"What are you? I didn't ask you for your name."

"I am a human being."


"And I am sitting on this couch," he motioned to the couch we were sitting on, "Talking to Aria Clarke."

"What? You started talking about being a human to talking to me!" I laughed.

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