Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen :

I've watched this movie thousands of times because of the kids I babysat back home. During the movie, we rearranged our seating order. Laura was now sitting inbetween Harry and Niall and holding the bowl filled, or used to be filled, with popcorn. She was munching on the kernals while watching the movie. Zayn was asleep and Louis ended up pushing him off the couch so he could sit next to Harry, which was really funny because Zayn didn't move or flinch at all. Liam was still sitting in the same chair paying attention to the movie.

Niall was dozing off into a small sleep when Louis screamed.

"Now! Andy cannot give away his toys! He has to stay a kid forever!" Louis screamed.

"You're really paying attention to this movie?" Laura asked him.

"What? I was bored," Louis answered. I rolled my eyes.

"Can you guys be quiet? The movie is still playing," Liam said not taking his eyes off of the television. Niall got up and went to the kitchen, probably to get some food, and Laura scooted over some next to me.

"So? Do you like Niall?" Laura whispered in my ear.

"No, I was just trying to make Harry jealous," I whispered with a small smirk. Laura smiled and then went back to chewing on the popcorn kernals. Niall came out with a bag of crisps and sat next to Louis. Great, my plan was ruined. Well, I wouldn't call it much of a plan because I didn't take a lot of preperation to prepare to make Harry jealous.

"What time is it?" Laura asked. I pulled out my phone. We had fifteen minutes before Megan would come back to the hotel.

"Fifteen minutes until Megan's shift ends," I replied tucking my phone back into my sweatshirt. I watched as the character, Andy, gave this little girl his toys inside a cardboard box. This movie was cute, and if I had to do a report on this for someone, I would probably get a one hundred percent.

"Great, we have to face the hater soon," Laura mumbled. I giggled a little bit. I turned my attention back to the movie, I watched as Andy drove away and the toys now belonging to this little girl named Bonnie.

I twirled my hair in my fingers as the credits went by. Louis clapped his hands, probably because the movie was over, and soon Harry and Niall were also applauding.

"Lars, time to go," I said getting up. Laura moaned and she got up, setting the empty bowl on the couch.

"Can we come here again tomorrow? If you are able to watch me?" Laura asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe," I answered. Laura said good bye to the guys and we were out the door. As I was closing the door, I got a text from Megan.

Megan: I am on my way up 2 the rooms....just gotta get passed screamin fans! LOL! :D

Me: K....Lars and I r in the room.

"Wow, you lied in a text, that is awesome," Laura said reading over my shoulder, "I never lied in a text."

"What? People always lie, even in texts, Lars," I smirked.

Megan: Lars? Im in the elevator! :)

Me: Dont tell us everything! LOL! :D

We both walked to my room and got inside. After six minutes, Megan came home. She held a magazine in her hand and then threw it at the bed.

"Aria, we have a huge problem," Megan said setting her purse down on the bed too, "I was lucky enough to purchase to last magazine on the rack."

"What do you mean?" I asked. Laura picked up the magazine and flipped through it.

"The cover....they're guessing why One Direction maybe at this hotel," Megan said not making eye contact, "Because of you. That kiss was taken here, and they suspect."

"What!?" I grabbed the open magazine from Laura's hands, "Did they find out my name or what room I'm staying in!?"

"Calm down," Laura said crossing her arms, "I'm sure this is going to be fine."

"Fine, no," I muttered. I ripped the cover of the magazine, "I'm officially not a fan of 1D."

"I thought you weren't a fan?" Megan questioned playing with her finger nails.

"I wasn't and no I am not," I threw the magazine into the small garbage can, "They found out my name."

"They did? How?" Megan asked coming over to sit by me on the couch. I was ready to cry, my life was over.....because of a stupid singer.

"My friends....some people saw their updates and sent it into the magazine company," I said with tears coming out of my eyes. I buried my head in my hands, "I hate Harry Styles."

"I know, we all do...except Laura. She's a huge fan," Megan joked. I rolled my eyes and rested my chin on my knees.

"You know what, we have bigger issues," Laura said. She must've took the magazine out of the trash can because she was now looking through it.

"What bigger issues?" Megan asked.

"What can be more awful than my situation?" I interogated.

"This," Laura showed the both of us the picture. Some how, the picture of Megan and Zayn also leaked out.

"This must be photo shopped or something," Megan said looking at the picture.

"No, it's's real," I whispered, "I was the one who took the picture."

"What? You sent it to the magazine so that you wouldn't be the only one who is miser-" Laura cut her sister off.

"No, she didn't send it in. It was probably one of the guys or something. Maybe they were joking around and posted it on twitter. Then someone saw it, like Aria's friends' updates," Laura explained. Megan sat back down on the couch full of anger.

"Lars is right. That is a great explanation," I said.

"Lars? So Laura is Lars?" Megan asked. Laura and I both nodded, "How did you come up with that?"

"Today," Laura answered, "We were watching TV and then Aria called me now sticks."

"Laura, tell me the truth. I can tell you're lying," Megan glared at her sister with her eyes.

"It's the truth, Meg. She's being honest," I lied. Megan looked at both of us and then picked up the magazine.

"I'm going to go ask the guys who put this picture online and if they know about it," Megan said going to open the door, "And about the whole kissing Aria/Harry situation."

"I'll come too," Laura said running up to her sister.

"No way, Laura. You're not allowed to meet them, this is an emergency. Aria, you're coming with me because this problem involves you," Megan ordered, "Laura, stay here and don't roam around the hotel. Crazy people are surrounding the lobby."

"By crazy people do you mean me?" Laura asked crossing her arms.

"What?" Megan looked confused.

"Those aren't crazies, Megan. They're directioners planning to try and meet 1D. And I'm a directioner, so you're calling me one too," Laura replied.

"Laura, now isn't the time to fight with me," Megan said opening the door, "Aria and I will be right back after we talk about this issue. Then we can sort out our little fight."

I walked out too while saying good bye to Laura. Laura just rolled her eyes and then went to sit on the couch.

Megan was walking briskly through the halls, I wouldn't blame her. I was mad and upset too.

"I'm going to kill all of them," Megan mumbled.

"All of them? Who first?" I asked, "Harry?"

"No, Zayn," Megan answered.

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