Chapter Forty One

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Chapter Forty One :

 "There's the two love birds!" Louis exclaimed as Megan and Zayn walked out of the kitchen. I saw them both glare at the hyper boy.

"We're not dating and won't kiss in the future, or do any of those lovey dovey things," Megan said rolling her eyes at Louis. Louis just laughed.

"Just wait, Megan, your time with Zayn will come," Louis joked crossing his arms over his chest.

"Shut up, Louis," Zayn mumbled taking a seat on the arm of the couch. Megan walked over and sat down beside Louis on the floor and punched his arm.

"Ow!" Louis shouted, "What was that for?"

"For calling me and Zayn love birds," Megan scoffed.

"So, what were you guys talking about in the kitchen?" Harry asked changing the subject from Megan and Zayn being love birds to Megan and Zayn's conversation.

"Don't be nosy, Hazza," Liam told the curly haired boy.

"But I want to know! I heard someone shout!" Harry exclaimed.

"Yeah, because Zayn hit me with the door. In the face," Megan crossed her arms while looking up at Harry who was sitting beside me on the couch.

"Did it hurt?" Niall asked.

"No, it felt soft," Megan said sarcastically turning her attention towards Niall.

"So, what are we going to do tomorrow? Niall and Aria both promised that we'll do something fun tomorrow and the day after that," Laura said with a smile on her face.

"Something fun? Why?" Liam asked.

"Because people can have fun once and awhile," I replied, "Plus, Laura is leaving in two days."

"We have an interview tomorrow, though," Liam said.

"Great," Niall mumbled slouching in the couch, "Another interview."

"You don't like interviews?" Megan asked.

"No, the interviewer always asks us the same questions over and over again," Louis rolled his eyes, "They ask stupid questions like, which one of you are going to be a father? Is Niam or Larry real?"

"Niam?" I asked, "Larry? What?"

"Bromances," Laura answered for the guys, "Niall and Liam. Louis and Harry."

"What about Zayn?" I asked motioning towards Zayn.

"Oh, easy...Mayn!" Louis shouted pointing at Megan and Zayn. Megan and Zayn blushed a little while the rest of us laughed.

"Mayn? What about Zegan?" Laura suggested, "Or Zaygen?"

"No, I like Megayn," I said poking Megan's shoulder. Megan glared at me.

"We are not dating. We don't really like each other. So stop connecting our names," Megan snapped while glaring at all of us.

"Someone is being mean," Niall said resting his foot on Megan's shoulder.

"And someone is using me as a foot stool," Megan said pushing Niall's foot off of her shoulder.

"Why would reporters and people ask you if you are about to be a father? Or if you guys are gay?" I asked changing the subject back to the original subject.

"Fans," Liam replied, "They usually make up rumors."

"To be funny, but it is just annoying," Louis added, "Even nonfans of us make up stupid rumors by misreading a picture of us."

"And Justin Bieber," Zayn said, "Alot of people thought he was gay, so now they think we're gay."

"You are gay, you're happy!" Megan joked. We all laughed, "But seriously, why would they think your gay? Aren't all of the lyrics of your songs are about girls?"

"Yeah, but people can think that we're bi," Harry said, "Or change the lyrics up, so that is seems like a dude is singing to a dude."

"Well, enjoy the interview," I said resting my head on the back of the couch, "You guys will be answering random questions while I sleep in all day."

"Aria! You can come with us!" Niall yelled.

"No," I said lifting my head up, "I don't want to be the latest things in magazines."

"You already were, so why don't you do it again?" Louis asked looking up at me, "I bet they'll ask stupid and random questions to you too."

"Why?" I asked crossing my arms.

"They could ask, 'why did you kidnap One Direction? In a hotel?'," Megan joked.

"Megan, grow up," Laura said slapping her sister, "If Aria doesn't want to go, then she doesn't have to."

"Lars can come too," Harry added.

"For real!?" Laura shrieked.

"For real," they five guys chorused.

"For real not," Megan said, "My sister is not going to an interview."

"Why not?" Niall asked, "It will be fun. A new experience for her."

"I bet she won't be asked any questions," Liam said, "As long as these four keep their mouth shut."

"If you really want to go, then go," Megan sighed rolling her eyes, "But you must take Aria with you."

"What?" I asked looking at all of them, "Why can't Lars just go? By herself? With them? I'm sure they'll be responsible."

"Really? Them?" Megan asked motioning to the five.

"Well, maybe for once," I shrugged, "Just give them a chance. They have a body guard."

"So?" Megan asked crossing her arms.

"She'll be protected," I replied, "And Liam will be there. He is Daddy Direction. Plus Laura acts way mature then all of them combined."

"Hey!" the five guys all shouted at once.

"What? It's true," I shrugged, "Please?"

"Aria, she isn't going to say yes," Laura told me, "Her answer is simple. No. N-o. She can even say it in French for you. No."

"If she won't say yes, then she has to come too," Harry smirked.

"What!?" Megan shrieked, "NO!"

"See, that is her answer," Laura rolled her eyes.

"Harry, we can't take all three of them," Liam protested. Finally, someone who agrees with me, "The interview is just for us, not them. If they don't want to be in the spot light, then they don'-"

"It will be fun, Li!" Niall begged, "Please?"

"No," Liam crossed his arms.

"We promise we will keep our mouths shut and not be bad!" Louis begged sounding like a five year old. Laura and I laughed at that.

"Sure, but Megan isn't coming," Liam said. My smile dropped.

"What? Why not Megan?" I asked.

"She has a job," Liam shrugged, "She is busy. You're not."

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