Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five :

I woke up to the sound of the someone knocking on my door. I moaned and got up, stretching my arms and back, I looked over at the couch. No Laura.

"Laura!" I yelled.

"In the kitchen!" Laura yelled back. I just nodded my head and supposed Megan was at work. I went up to the door and opened it, revealing Niall, Liam, and Louis.

"Good morning," I greeted with another one of my "famous" fake smiles.

"Figured you would be here, we knocked on your door," Louis said, "and no one answered. So we thought that you left London because of Harry."

"No, you thought she left the face of the Earth," Liam rolled his eyes.

"Why are you guys here? If you are planning to set me up on another date with Harry, there will only be four members of One Direction," I threatened. They all stepped back a little. I grinned.

"Someone is grumpy in the morning," Niall mumbled.

"We wanted to introduce you to Paul!" Louis exclaimed with a huge smile. Paul? Who is that?

"Who?" I made a confused face.

"Our body guard," Liam answered, "We wanted to introduce you to him."

"Okay, then where is he?" I asked looking around in the doorway.

"Back at our room, you'll need to come with us," Niall said.

"But I have to take care of Lars," I complained.

"She can come with us," Liam said.

"But Megan will yell at me," I whined. Louis rolled his eyes and walked past me, entering the room. He walked into the kitchen and came out with Laura.

"Megan won't yell," Louis said, "Do I have to do everything?"

We all walked down to their room. I was suprised to see no old lady. Louis was trying to find the key to the room. He was looking through his pockets. Then he looked up at us.

"I can't find the key," Louis said, "It's gone. I bet that mean old lady stole it."

"Lou, we left it in the room," Liam said opening the door.

"Oh," Louis said. I rolled my eyes and Laura laughed. We all walked in and I saw a sleeping Zayn on the bed.

"So, where is this Paul?" I asked looking around.

"Probably in the kitchen, best if I go and check," Niall said sprinting into the kitchen. Laura followed him. I walked over and sat down on the couch.

"Where's Harry?" I asked.

"Kitchen, probably," Liam said taking a seat on one of the chairs. Louis sat down beside him.

"He is really upset," he said to me, "You hurt his feelings."

"Oh, really?" I asked, "Well, the last time I checked, he ruined my life."

"For the last time, your life isn't ruined!" Louis yelled, "It is just...broken."

Niall came out with Harry, Laura, and another person, who I think must be Paul. Niall came running up and leaped onto the couch, sitting on the otherside of me. Laura just sat down on the floor by my feet and Harry sat down next to Louis. He made no eye contact at me what so ever.

"Can someone please wake up Zayn?" Paul, who I assume is, asked. Louis bolted up off the couch raising his hand.

"I volunteer as tribute!" Louis said. Laura and I laughed. Louis went up to the bed and before he could jump onto it, Niall cut him off.

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