Chapter Fifty Three

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Chapter Fifty Three :

There was a loud knock on my door. I moaned and got up out of bed. I yawned and looked at the clock on the nighstand. 9:45 in the morning. I rolled my eyes and walked slowly to the door. There was another loud knock.

"I'm coming!" I yelled. When I reached the door, I looked through the peep hole. There stood someone I would never expect. Kyla. I opened the door.

"Aria, it is so nice to see you in person!" Kyla exclaimed. She hugged me tight, I hugged her back, "So, how is London so far?"

"I already told you, skyping, remember?" I laughed. I let her in and she sat down on the couch. I sat down right beside her when I just realized my best friend had just knocked on my hotel room's door and I didn't care! Kyla was talking about something when I cut her off, "Why are you here!? Like, why didn't you tell me!? How did you know I was staying here!?"

"Wow, slow down, Aria," Kyla giggled, "Remember when I skyped you, the boys of One Direciton were here?" I nodded, "Well, I told you that your mom and my mom talked about me coming to visit you. For only three days. Then back to stupid old Miami."

"You never told me that," I made a confused face.

"I thought I did, well, I think I kept getting cut off though," Kyla laughed. She put a piece of her black hair behind her ear. That was when I remembered what Niall said. He had a crush on my best friend! A person from her favorite band, likes her, I should tell her. But I promised Niall that I wouldn't tell a soul.

"I'm going to get dressed and then we can figure out what we want to do today," I smiled. I went to my closet and grabbed something random. Then ran into the bathroom to change. I brushed my hair when I heard another knock on the door. I rolled my eyes and opened the bathroom door. Kyla was already by the door, about to open it, when I shouted.

"Kyla! Wait!" I shouted pushing her away from the door.

"Aria, what are you-" I cut Kyla off by putting my hand over her mouth. I looked through the hole again and saw One Direction. Not to be mean, but I didn't want them to come here. At all. Don't they have people to hang out with? That are actually famous? I hesitated to answer the door. Kyla glared at me and then looked at the door. Then back at me.

"ARIA! ANSWER THE DOOR!" I heard Louis shout from the other side, I watched as Kyla's eyes grew wide. I rolled my eyes.

"OR WE WILL BREAK IT DOWN!" I heard Harry yell.

"ON THE COUNT OF THREE!" Niall added. I heard them start counting, when they reached two, I opened the door. Louis and Harry fell over, while Zayn and Liam shook their heads, and Niall laughing.

"Right now isn't a great time for you boys to be here," I said, my hand still on Kyla's mouth. Kyla was behind the door, so she really couldn't see them.

"But we have to prepare for Lars' last day," Niall whined, "And why isn't this a great time?"

"She is probably going to keep Lars to herself," Louis said getting up.

"And not let us see her ever again," Harry stood up, "You're evil."

"Why, thank you," I said, pretending to be flattered. Kyla licked my hand and I shrieked, "Kyla!"

"What? Your hand was over my mouth, and you were having a conversation with my favorite band, not caring to include me in it when I am right here!" Kyla said stepping out from behind the door. The boys looked from me to Kyla, and then back at me. Kyla smiled, "Hi, I am Kyla, this girl's best friend," Kyla motioned to me.

"I thought her name was Kayla," Louis said crossing his arms and staring at Kyla.

"Everyone thinks that," Kyla said, "It's fine. I sometimes have people call me Kylie."

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