Chapter Eighty

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Chapter Eighty w/ note :

"Where have you been!?" Kyla practically yelled, freezing at where she was standing. She was about to board the plane. I clutched the ticket for Miami, FL behind my back.


"May I help you?" the lady asked the person next in line. Which was me.

"Yes, I, um, need a ticket for Miami, Florida?" I asked. My voice cracked a little. I couldn't believe I was doing this.

"Now?" the lady asked, giving me a look that read, 'are you kidding me?'.

"No, I need a ticket for the next flight out of London," I replied. She nodded, keeping her eyes on me. She looked like she wanted an explanation why I wanted a ticket, "Look, I need a ticket to Miami as soon as possible. If you were in my shoes, you would want to escape here immediatly. I'm nineteen, so I'm technically an adult, and am not running way. If you can tell from my American accent, I am not from here. I just need a ticket."

"Okay...." the lady looked down at the computer, "I need your name, please?"

"Aria. Aria Clarke," I replied, shaking a little.

"Aria Clarke....that sounds familiar," the lady looked at me, "You look a little familiar too. Are you famous?"

"No, I am a normal, everyday girl," I forced a smile, "Who needs a ticket back to America. I must look like someone who is famous because I get that. Alot."

"Intresting," the lady replied, looking back down on the computer, "Miss. Clarke, haven't you already purchased a ticket to Miami?"

Darn. She must be talking about the ticket my aunt purchased. Under her name. So why is it like that? Wait, I know. Because she bought it for me. And they must have that in their computer. Stalkers.

"Uh, my aunt did," I said looking down at the computer, "But can't I exchange the ticket for a sooner flight?"

"Let me see," the lady typed a few things, then clicked the mouse, and then looked back up at me, "Yes, you want it sooner?" I nodded, "The next flight leaves tomorrow morning. Is that alright?"

"Yep," I said, popping the 'p'.

-End of Flashback-

"I had to use the restroom," I lied. Kyla rolled her eyes, as Niall laughed, "Goody bye, Kyla."

"Bye, Ari-" Kyla was cut off by the loud speaker.

"Last call for those who are boarding the flight to Miami, Florida," the loud speaker said. Kyla pulled away from my hug.

"Bye, Aria," Kyla said, giving me a wave. She looked at Niall, "Bye, Nialler."

"Bye, Kyla," Niall and I said unision. Which was creepy, because we both burst out into laughter. Niall stopped and looked at me.

"What's that?" he pointed to the ticket I had in my hand.

"Nothing, just a piece of paper," I answered, folding the piece and putting it into my jeaned jacket pocket.

"Just a piece of paper? It looks like a ticket for somewhere," Niall crossed his arms, "What exactly is it?"

"A ticket," I sighed. Niall's jaw dropped, "For Miami. Tomorrow morning. But you must not tell anyone, it is our little secret, okay? I just purchased it so my life will be less crazier."

"What about Harry?" Niall asked, "And Zayn? Liam? Louis? Megan?"

"Megan is in Hollywood. Off in her own little world. Harry is...." I stopped and then looked at the ceiling, "Harry is nothing. He was just a summer crush."

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