Chapter Forty Four

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Chapter Forty Four :

"How dare you?" I exclaimed walking out of the building. Paul was in front of me while the others walked behind me.

"How dare us what?" Harry asked.

"You lied to the reporter," I said looking at him, "We're not dating."

"Yet," Harry smirked. I hit his arm and I turned my attention forward. Fans were taking pictures with phones, cameras, and other devices. Fans were also saying really disgusting things and holding up signs with the most funniest things I have ever seen. There was one that a girl made that made me want to die. It read 'I want to be the mystery girl!'.

The ride to the hotel wasn't pleasent. I tried my best by giving everyone the silent treatment, but that failed. Then I tried to ignore everyone and just listen to my ipod that I brought with me. That plan failed too. Paul pulled the van close to the hotel and opened the door so that Laura and I could exit.

"Lars, come on," I protested, "You have to get out now."

"But I want to stay with the guys," Laura whined from her seat.

"Now," I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"C'mon, Aria! Let her stay, she'll be safe!" I heard Zayn say from the back.

"If Lars stays with you five all day, Megan will kill me. Literally. She said she would rip out my tongue before," I exclaimed.

"Why did she say she would rip out your tongue?" Liam asked.

"Long's about a toilet and the game truth or dare," I explained, "Laura, get out of the van."

"How dare you call her Laura!" Louis said from the back.

"How dare me? It's her name, Louis!" I shouted, "Laura, get out now. I will count to three."

"Oh no, Aria is going to count," I heard Harry say from the back as well.

"Let's make sure she can count to three first," Zayn said, "Her math skills can be terrible."

"True," Niall said from the otherside of Liam, "Aria, count!"

"Laura, get out or I will count," I said putting my hands to my hips. Laura shook her head and crossed her arms.

"No," Laura spoke, "I am staying in this seat. There is nothing you can do to get me out."

"What if I buy you...I don't know...a life size cardboard cut out of one of the boys?" I suggested thinking in my head.

"Which boy?" Laura asked looking at me. Seriously?

"Laura, get out of the van!" I yelled. I saw some pedestrians staring at us. Some of them gasped and were about to fangirl.

"Which boy?" Laura repeated.

"Liam, duh," I said.

"I already have him," Laura rolled her eyes. This made the boys go into laughter, exept Liam. He just looked freaked out and scared.

"Come on, Lars. You're making Liam scared," I stated. Laura laughed.

"I'm kidding, I don't have any of those stupid cardboard cut outs of One Direction," Laura giggled, "But seriously, I want to stay here. And hang out with the boys."

"Okay, you give me no choice. I will count to three," I warned pointing my index finger at her. Laura just rolled her eyes.

"I'm not a baby," Laura glared.

"Well, you're under the age of eighteen," I stated, "And you still need a guardian, none of these boys are fit enough to take care of you."

"Aria, just give it up. Laura won the argument, so just go into the hotel and leave," Harry said.

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