The Shriller Racket

Start from the beginning

Rolling her eyes, she shrugged off her backpack and opened the main pocket. Inside, there were indeed new snacks. Thankfully, he hadn't decided to torment her with trail mix. After she zipped it back up, she mumbled, "Thanks, but I still could've purchased them on my own."

Shrugging, he placed his right hand back in the hoodie pocket. "You could've, but I decided to save you the trouble. Now, you can proceed to pick the next attraction on our list."

Slipping her arms through the backpack's sleeves, she nodded. "Right, but what had happened while I was out?" She narrowed her eyes. "We probably had been in there for awhile after everything. Someone must've said something."

"Oh, they had. One of the security guards had come over after someone apparently had complained." He giggled a bit. "I just had stated that excuse I had told you. The guard had bought it quite well with how exhausted you had looked. I had told him that you're pregnant and needed to throw up. You passed out afterwards from how sick you felt." A grin met his lips as he locked his optics with hers. "Easy enough."

Again, she rolled her eyes before she carefully got to her feet. "Hopefully, you don't have to use that excuse again." Just he mentioning her being pregnant even if it wasn't true bothered her immensely. She adjusted her pack some. "Can you look the other way for a couple of minutes?"

Quirking a brow, he giggled. "Sure, I'll give you a little advantage." The creature faced away from her. "I'll be starting in five." She hummed so that he'd know that she was ready. His right hand left the pocket once more, and his fingers started to fall down. Hurriedly, she went to her next location, but she needed to decide whether it would be the haunted house or the funhouse.

Swiftly, her eyes switched between the two attractions up ahead. The line for the haunted house was shorter. That was where she'd go. Not being able to resist, she checked on the creature and peered over her right shoulder. He was gone. Her optics went over to the trees and bushes. She couldn't spot him there either. (F/n) checked the area of the food court that she could view from her position too; he was absent from there also. Despite his sadistic nature, he did keep to his promises, so he hopefully wasn't focusing his optics her way.

Reaching the steps to the haunted house, she waited only a few minutes until it was her turn to head inside. The entrance shut behind her with a loud bang. She winced slightly at the noise before she focused ahead. Before her was a long red, faded carpet. Tassels, once gold, now a pallid yellow were on either end. Dusty chandeliers hung above her head, and termite-damaged panel wood walls were on either side of her. At the very end, a single lamp with a yellowed lampshade flicked. There was a clear chill in the air.

Hugging her coat around her more, she stepped forward. The floorboards creaked under her feet, and something knocked along the walls from the other side. When she reached the end, she leaped up and jumped to the wooden floor by the lamp as the rug sprung to life and rolled rapidly towards the entrance. Her heart rate kicked up a bit, but she managed to calm it down.

Voices of other park visitors sounded up ahead. There were a few screams, but they quieted down. (F/n) glanced to her right and left. The left path appeared open. She walked down it only to meet a dead end. A boarded up window was there, and she just could see outside into the park.

Scanning over it, she searched for any signs of the creature. Her fingers gripped one of the boards as she pushed herself up some. Instantly, her body froze as a figure walked right by the window. She fell back and landed on her hands. A groan escaped her. When her eyes met the window again, her heart gave a pause. He was standing right there and looking in. He smirked and tapped on the glass before his right index finger pointed towards the entrance.

Not another moment passed before the creature was on his way. "Sh*t," she cursed before she scrambled to her feet and headed for the other direction. Her feet pounded against the wood floorboards and down the right path, only to make a sharp left turn right after. She slid some across the wood. Another long hallway and it wasn't empty. All along the walls were objects covered with white sheets. Furniture was supposed to be under them, but she imagined that something else hid beneath them.

Examining the very end of the hall, she noted a stairway leading upwards. There was no way around the stairs. Not even any windows were in the hall. Rather another single flickering lamp sat upon an old side table. Dust hung in the air, and she wondered if the park staff ever really did clean the place. Her ears, though, caught sound of the entrance door opening. The loud bang sounded. She didn't have much time.

Hoping for the best, she raced forward. Some of the sheets flew up at her speed, and she briefly noted actual furniture underneath them. Under one of them, though, something else met her eyes. Arms reached out and feet stepped forward as a crazed man tried to nab her. Thankfully, she stepped back in time to avoid his hands. He took a step back and remained still again under the sheet. She pushed herself off of the wall, and her ears heard the characteristic soft footfalls of the creature. They were coming her way.

Without another thought, she bolted onto the steps only for them to fall under her and change into a slide as a trapdoor opened up at the base of the stairs. Even though that was probably the planned course for the house, she desired the less visited one. Upstairs, she might find a better hiding spot since the park very well could be using it as a storage space. Her hands held onto the railing rapidly as she fell flat against the slide. The soft footfalls continued in the background until they stopped. (E/c) optics stared back. At the other end of the hallway stood the creature, and he was grinning widely.

Infectious Devotion (Yandere M. x Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now