jumping to conclusions

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this is going to be quite short but oh well

okay so one thing that i hate the most is when people are like "you're not depressed" "omg you don't know what depression feels like shut up" or "why are you relating to depression quotes you're not depressed"

((nobody has said this to me it's just a general theme that i've seen happening))

listen up:

you don't know shit about what anybody else is feeling, so shut the hell up

seriously don't even try and say that people "aren't actually depressed" or "have it easy" or are "faking it" because you have no fucking clue what's going off in their heads or what their home life is like behind closed doors.

even the most popular, seemingly happiest, richest person you know could be having a really shit time and putting on a front to not draw attention to themselves. you don't know anything, and you shouldn't jump to conclusions.

just stop trying to put other people down and tell them that what they're feeling is wrong, just because you think you may have it worse or you don't believe them. 

you don't know anything, okay? 

- abbi

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